Description: I. Flensburg Mustermesse (export show of goods for the Scandinavian market).
II. "Streiflichter aus Deutschland." a. Reopening of the public viewing gallery on top of Berlin's radio mast (film from the lift going up). b. Governor Van Wagoner greets 9 German students awarded scholarships for 14 months' study in USA. c. An international party of academics (from France, Sweden, Norway and Switzerland) visiting German universities. d. Discovery and preservation of fossil remains.
III. The Republican Convention in Philadelphia, USA. Scenes at railway station and convention hall; hopeful candidates Warren, Stassen, Taft and Vandenberg; the successful nominee for President, T E Dewey.
IV. A Munich theatre reopens with Strauss's operetta 'Eine Nacht in Venedig'.
V. Sport. a. Racing at Ascot (royal family etc). b. Indianapolis motor racing Grand Prix.
VI. "After the currency reform." Illustrations of the effects of having once more a valuable currency: plentiful goods are sold in the open (not black) market; services return (eg Taxis etc) but fewer people are interested in non-essentials (film of virtually empty funfairs etc); trains are also emptier.