Summary: Books in Britain's war effort: film contrasts the deliberate Nazi book-burning of 1933 with the accidental burning of books in London in the Blitz, and with Britain's special efforts to step up book production and circulation.
Description: Film includes: shots of a writer's meeting; second-hand bookshops, public libraries and mobile libraries; "Books for the Forces" campaign (includes an appeal to remember foreign allies); new publications to encourage debate or expertise; popular editions of Hansard selections; cheap paperback editions by Penguin and 'Good Books'. Film also shows microfilming of rare books for Library of Congress, and quotes Milton: "who kills a man kills a reasonable creature... who destroys a good book kills reason itself" - Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' is presented as a 'bad book' to be kept as well, as a warning (a copy is picked out of a bombed house): film ends with a 'good book' which Hitler would like to destroy: "the Battle of Britain" (Air Ministry publication), several translations shown.
Production Details: Ministry of Information (Production sponsor)
Paul Rotha Productions (Production company)
Chambers, Jack (Production individual)
Rotha, Paul19071984British documantary film maker (Production individual)
Brill, Charles (Production individual)
Ainley, Henry Hinchliffe (Production cast)
Personalities, Units and Organisations:
Keywords: arts, British - literature (object name)
arts, British - literature: Milton, John (object name)
arts, German - literature: Hitler, Adolf & Mein Kampf (object name)
economics, British national - trade: bookshops (object name)
industry, British - general: book production (object name)
journalism and record, British - press: Hansard (object name)
recreation, British civilian - casual: reading (object name)
society, British - education: books (object name)
propaganda (concept)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Subtitle language: None
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Footage: 675 ft; Running time: 7 mins