Summary: A contingent of the Egyptian Labour Corps from recruitment in Egypt to arrival and work in France, 1917.
Description: A pan of the assembly camp in Egypt, tented and open, where the "recruits of all provinces dressed in various types of garb" arrive and are given Egyptian Labour Corps uniform, "the men are delighted with its quality". A squad of Egyptian Labour Corps police drilling. A company of volunteers, in uniform with blanket rolls, march to the quayside to board the SS Minnetonka at Alexandria. The ship leaves harbour. The final scene shows members of the Egyptian Labour Corps in France at a harbour, unloading hay from nets. They watch a single-stick bout followed by "native dance".
Production Details: War Office Cinema Committee (Production sponsor)
Topical Film Company (Production company)
Jeapes, Harold (Production individual)
Hurley, Frank1885-10-151962-01-16Australian photographer (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: British Army, Egyptian Labour Corps (regiment/service)
Keywords: ships, British auxiliary - transport: Minnetonka (object name)
society, Egyptian military - ethnic (object name)
31/3(621) (event)
01/3(4-15).6 (event)
Egypt (geography)
France (geography)
Race (concept)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Silent
Soundtrack language: None
Title language: English
Subtitle language: English
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Footage: 920 ft; Running time: 16 mins