Summary:Scenes inside Caen as British and French troops consolidate their hold on the devastated city.
Description:Vichy poster deriding Allies' snail-like progress up the Italian peninsula; British troops in rubble-blocked street near Abbaye aux Hommes; Vichy anti-Churchill poster ("His last hope - Hunger"); Palais de Justice (with British and Canadian troops in Place Fontenette); Lycée Malherbe and Abbaye aux Hommes (St Etienne) in use as refugee centres; infantrymen (2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles) in position near River Orne and Caen racecourse; a 'blitzed' street; posters urging Frenchmen to join the Waffen-SS ("Shoulder to shoulder against the common enemy", "Your comrades wait for you in the Waffen-SS"); infantry (2nd RUR) moving through 'blitzed' city centre; Frenchwomen talking to SHAEF civil affairs major; RUR infantrymen occupying a German slit-trench near racecourse; smouldering rubble; Churchill AVREs (5th Assault Regiment RE) advancing towards Orne past racecourse, watched by infantrymen, and returning under fire; RUR infantrymen patrolling ruins and mansion, during which they meet French Red Cross workers; acres of 'blitzed' ground; Red Cross workers passing British troops around Cook's Tourist Office; refugees, Red Cross workers in city centre.
Production Details:Directorate of Public Relations, War Office (Production sponsor)
Army Film and Photographic Unit (Production Company)
Boulting, Roy Alfred Clarence (Production individual)
Harris, L W J (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations:Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer (person)