Summary: The town of Cambrai after its capture by Canadian 3rd Division, Western Front, 8th October 1918.
Description: Canadian transport wagons move through the streets, crowded with civilians. More civilians cross a fragile-looking plank bridge over the river, which has replaced a damaged iron bridge. Marching columns and 6-inch 26cwt howitzers cross another bridge. Two of the howitzers, which are lorry-drawn, are draped with the French flag and one with the US flag. Areas of Cambrai are still on fire. A hay store burns fiercely as troops attempt to salvage some items. In the main square one building is already gutted by fire, which spreads to the others. Brigadier-General D C Draper of 8th Brigade, Canadian 3rd Division, consults a map with members of his staff on the middle of the square. More buildings are in flames. A German prisoner is escorted through a street filled with smoke.
Production Details: Ministry of Information (Production sponsor)
Topical Film Company (Production company)
Buckstone, Walter A (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: Draper, D C (person)
Canadian Army, Canadian Expeditionary Force, Div 3, Bde 8 (regiment/service)
British Army, Canadian Expeditionary Force, Div 3, Bde 8 (regiment/service)
Keywords: operations, Canadian military - movement (object name)
destruction, French military - area: artillery bombardment (object name)
destruction, French: fire (object name)
weapons, British - gun: 6-inch 26cwt howitzer & [Canadian] (object name)
equipment, Canadian military - navigational: map (object name)
prisoners of war, German - movement (object name)
01/3(4-15).9 (event)
Cambrai, Nord, France (geography)