Summary: The presence of various groups of Chinese in Britain is shown to be of mutual benefit to the two countries in three ways: the Chinese learn from the British, the British profit from Chinese work, and international relations are helped by cultural contact.
Description: Film opens with scene of Chinese commemorating Sun Yat-Sen's visit to London at a meeting in the room where Imperial Chinese officials had detained him. The war can be an integrating agent (film of Chinese shop, followed by shots of Chinese with English evacuees; a Chinese girl in an English school and British soldiers learning Chinese); Chinese merchant seamen's contribution (general work and individual heroism; film of wounded and convalescents); doctors and nurses train and work; students in Cambridge and Manchester study (and in the latter some also instruct) technology etc; discussion group; BBC Chinese broadcasts from Broadcasting House: "the Chinese in Britain provide one of those living links that are forging the unity of the new family of Nations".