Title:NORTH AMERICAN P-51B MUSTANG [Allocated Title]
Film Number:ARY 7-37
Other titles:
Summary: Aircraft recognition study.
Description: After a close up air to air shot of a 353FS P-51B, the aircraft peels away. Some shots that suffer from camera shake precede ground to air scenes of a take off and low passes, by machines of the three constituent squadrons of the group. Finally the reel closes with a good air to air shot of machine number 36425 of 353FS.
Production Details: RAF Film Production Unit (Production company)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: United States Army Air Force, 353rd Fighter Squadron (regiment/service)
United States Army Air Force, 356th Fighter Squadron (regiment/service)
United States Army Air Force, 355th Fighter Squadron (regiment/service)
United States Army Air Force, 354th Fighter Group (regiment/service)
Keywords: aircraft, United States - combat: North American P-51B Mustang (object name)