Film Number:A70 183-3
Other titles:
Summary: 11th Armoured Division's CMP provost company demonstrates near divisional HQ in Deurne a method of rendering harmless a trip-wire trap of a kind employed by German front-line patrols to incapacitate Allied motorcyclists and jeep driver.
Description: The CMP Sergeant in charge of the demonstration rides up to the cameraman on a motorcycle fitted with a vertical steel rod on its handle bars. He explains to a CMP corporal the manner in which the rod deflects a steel wire strung across a road at motorcycle rider or jeep driver's height safely over his head; the corporal then strings a wire across the road for his sergeant to test this thesis which the latter does successfully by riding through the wire twice.
Production Details: Directorate of Public Relations, War Office (Production sponsor)
Army Film and Photographic Unit (Production company)
Leatherbarrow, RichardPrior to the Second World War Leatherbarrow was a portrait photographer. During the Second World War he joined the Royal Armoured Corps, transferring to the Army Film and Photographic Unit in 1943, when he received training at Pinewood. He was one of the cameramen on Juno Beach during the D-Day Landings. (Production individual)