Summary: Food production in wartime Scotland - the effort to expand agriculture now that the ships and harbours used to import food (opening sequence) are otherwise employed.
Description: Brief survey of difficulties (problem soils; under-used or deserted crofts) and government-led countermeasures - assessment of potential arable value of pasturage - breaking up rough soil (gyro tiller) - drainage - allotment cultivation (by private citizens, but also searchlight crew and railwaymen shown) - advice on pest control (sequence shows cyanide poisoning of rabbit warren) and fertilisers. Harvesting, by machine and hand, with extra helpers (film of Women's Land Army, and recommendation of organisation by allotment-holders to coordinate marketing etc.) - storage of produce (grain in stacks, potatoes in clamps, innovation of portable silos to store fodder) - sheep grazing on golf course - scientific research. Closes with traditional theme of home-front's solidarity with those more conspicuously at war.
Production Details: Scottish Department of Agriculture (Production sponsor)
Ministry of Information (Production sponsor)
GB Instructional (Production company)
Scottish Films (Production company)
Russell, Stanley (Production individual)
Field, Mary18961968 (Production individual)
Russell, Stanley (Production individual)
Macleod, Joseph Todd Gordon19031984 (Production individual)
Lidell, Alvar1908-09-111981-01-07 (Production cast)
Personalities, Units and Organisations:
Keywords: agriculture, British - animal: sheep (object name)
agriculture, British - arable (object name)
GB, Scotland (geography)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Footage: 1030 ft; Running time: 12 mins