Title:LA VOIX DES ALLIES (PART 2) [Allocated Title]
Film Number:A70 96-7
Other titles:
Summary: A Canadian army psychological warfare detachment, the No 12 Amplifier Unit, supplies the inhabitants of the liberated zones in Normandy with war news and information from the outside world.
Description: I. Some of the remaining inhabitants of Caen gather outside St Etienne Cathedral to listen to the BBC news being broadcast from one of the unit's vans and to receive copies of "La Voix des Allies", a broadsheet compiled and issued by the Canadian detachment.
II. At a printing works at La Délivrande, its French proprietor is handed a rough copy of "La Voix des Allies" by a sergeant serving in the unit and has his compositor do the typesetting. 2000 copies are printed and sorted out into bundles which are weighed and labelled for distribution in the towns and villages in the British and Canadian sector of the Normandy beach-head.
Production Details: Army Film and Photographic Unit (Production company)
Collins (Sergeant) (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: Canadian Army, Army 1 (regiment/service)
British Army, Intelligence Corps (regiment/service)
Keywords: propaganda (object name)
journalism and record - press (object name)
Caen, Calvados, France (geography)
La Délivrande, Calvados, France (geography)