Summary: Disjointed film of the wrecks of Zeppelins L32 and L33, the morning after their crash in Essex on 24th September 1916.
Description: The film, which claims to be "the only complete cinematograph pictures taken under official authorization" opens with shots of the twisted wreckage of the L32 which came down in flames. A number of military and naval personnel pick their way about the debris. This is followed by a film of the other Zeppelin, which came down virtually intact over a road and then burnt out, breaking its back. There are various general shots of the metal lattice structure, in particular the undamaged nose. Attention is drawn to the nearby cottage in the background whose occupants "have a grand-stand view". There are some closer shots of a gondola, a propeller, a wrecked engine and so on. A number of military personnel are seen examining the wreckage.
Production Details: War Office (Production sponsor)
Gaumont (Production company)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: Robertson, William Robert (person)
Sowrey, Frederick (person)
Robinson, William Leefe (person)
Lloyd George, David (person)
Balfour, Arthur James (person)
British Army (regiment/service)
Royal Navy (regiment/service)
British Army, Royal Flying Corps, Squadron 39 (regiment/service)
Keywords: aircraft, German - airship: Zeppelin L32 & [captured] & [wrecked] (object name)
aircraft, German - airship: Zeppelin L33 & [captured] & [wrecked] (object name)
society, British - domestic (object name)
17/3(141).19 [24/9/1916 Essex] (event)
Billericay, Essex, England, UK (geography)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Silent
Soundtrack language: None
Title language: English
Subtitle language: English
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Footage: 439 ft; Running time: 5 mins