Title:HMS MOTH AND HMS CADDIS FLY (?) [Allocated Title]
Film Number:IWM 71
Other titles:
Summary: The gunboats HMS Moth and HMS Caddis Fly (?) on the River Tigris and the River Euphrates, Mesopotamian Front, 1918.
Description: The film starts with a slow pan of a Fly Class river gunboat, probably HMS Caddis Fly. An Insect Class gunboat, HMS Moth, which is larger, is moored by the riverbank, and bombards the area with its 6-inch and 12-pounder guns. HMS Caddis Fly is shown on patrol, and making smoke while at anchor. The river shown may be the Tigris, the Euphrates, or both.
Production Details: Ministry of Information (Production sponsor)
International Film Service (Production company)
Varges, Ariel L (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: Royal Navy, Moth (regiment/service)
Royal Navy, CADDISFLY (HMS), gunboat (regiment/service)
Keywords: ships, British naval - light forces: Moth (object name)
ships, British naval - light forces: Caddis Fly (object name)
combat, British naval - bombardment (object name)
01/3(567) (event)
Turkey & Tigris River, Mesopotamia (?) (geography)
Turkey & Euphrates River, Mesopotamia (?) (geography)