Summary: An impression of the Army's system of aptitude-testing for new recruits.
Description: Opening scenes show a young coalman giving the news of his call-up to a client, who expresses doubt that "they'll make much of him" in the army. Scene then moves to the test centre. Various different tests are shown: general intelligence; manual dexterity; signal recognition; night vision; fast movement combined with accurate work; mechanical aptitude; gun laying (some are followed by scenes showing such skills in actual use - eg actuality film of rapid setting up and laying an AT gun, staged sequence of stalking a sentry) - each test is explained by a British major to a visiting US officer. Tests are concluded with a private interview - in the ex-coalman's case, tests indicate his fitness and interview his enthusiasm for tank-driving - concluding shot shows him at controls of a Crusader tank.
Production Details: War Office (Production sponsor)
Ministry of Information (Production sponsor)
Army Film Unit (Production company)
Directorate of Selection of Personnel (Production company)
Bryce, Alex (Production individual)
Glendinning, Hone1912-08-161997-08-26 (Production individual)
Field, D P (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: British Army (regiment/service)
Keywords: armour, British - tank: Crusader (object name)
operations, British military - routine (object name)
recruitment, British: Army (object name)
training, British military - weapons (object name)
propaganda (concept)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Subtitle language: None
Technical Details: Format: 16mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Running time: 8 mins