Summary: "Germany in the dust! Death of a nation."
Description: Film of jubilant crowds in the streets of liberated Bologna and of the ceremony at Caserta which marks the unconditional surrender of the German Army in Italy introduces this item on the rise and fall of Nazi Germany. Commentary states that "Hitler was hopelessly unbalanced, but only by a sadistic and greedy people themselves unbalanced could he and the murder gang be hoisted to supreme power" and emphasises the guilt of the Germans - "whole nation mad with lust for power" after occupation of Austria and Czechoslovakia. Accompanying film is from all periods, showing leading personalities (Hitler in raincoat behind Hindenburg; Streicher, Rosenberg et alia at 1934 Party Rally, Goering reviewing the Hermann Goering Division, Himmler et alia in 1944) and principal features of Nazi state (torchlight processions, burning of the books, corruption of youth and WHY WE FIGHT staged film of Reichstag Fire, persecution of churches and teachers). Occupation of demilitarised Rhineland was "first gamble and bluff" in Hitler's bid for world power, Battle of Britain then Stalingrad his first checks, moral, economic and physical ruin of Germany the outcome.