Film Number:UKY 379
Other titles:
Summary: An impressionistic survey, scripted by Dylan Thomas, of Wales at war.
Description: Continuity is provided by film of the Welsh countryside, which underlines the imagery of 'mountains' in which the whole film is couched: the balance of the film, which exists principally to illustrate the soundtrack, shows the castles left by the old war (against England), as an introduction to the new war - steelworkers - dockers - pithead scenes from the Rhondda mines - agriculture - sheep farming - agricultural research at Aberystwyth - quarrying - Welsh chapels - children - women (sewing, and at the whist drive) - Druids. Film concludes with a reminder of recent Welsh history - the social and economic changes that industry brought to the valleys, and the hardships of the depression, from which only the arrival of new industry with the war brought relief - "Remember the march of the old young men/It shall not happen again".
Production Details: Ministry of Information (Production sponsor)
Strand (Production company)
Eldridge, William John18981985 (Production individual)
Taylor, Donald19111966British film producer and director. (Production individual)
Jago, Jo (Production individual)
Marlborough, Charles (Production individual)
Alwyn, William (Production individual)
Mathieson, Muir (Production individual)
Cripps, Eric (Production individual)
Thomas, Dylan Marlais19141953British poet and dramatist; Dylan Marlais, preferred form Dylan (Production individual)
Griffiths, William (Production cast)
Raymond, David (Production cast)
Personalities, Units and Organisations:
Keywords: agriculture, British - animal: sheep (object name)
agriculture, British - arable (object name)
industry, British - primary: coal mining (object name)
industry, British - primary: steel (object name)
religion, Druidism - ceremonial, British (object name)
sciences, British - biology [establishment]: agricultural research (object name)
society, British - ethnic: Wales (object name)
society, British - precautionary (object name)
society, British - history (object name)
GB, Wales & Aberystwyth, Card (geography)
GB, Wales & Rhondda, Glam (geography)
propaganda (concept)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Subtitle language: None
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Footage: 1070 ft; Running time: 12 mins