Summary: An impression of the world of Charles Jones, a miner in the Rhondda Valley.
Description: He is shown coming up from his shift and going home to listen to a BBC programme in which he had been interviewed about his life by Arthur Horner (President of the S Wales Miners Federation). From then on the text of the programme, with shots of 'Charlie' listening, provides the continuity, linking shots of pithead and coalface work; Jones is also seen visiting a doctor for a check-up, addressing a Miner's Federation Lodge meeting, and at home. Besides details of his own family and career history (the Depression had put him out of work for 13 years), the film raises the subjects of changes and improvements in the mines, with the continuing hard work and dangers, and of miner-manager cooperation (with an example of it in action); film closes with usual speculation about the post-war world.
Production Details: Ministry of Fuel and Power (Production sponsor)
Ministry of Information (Production sponsor)
Strand (Production company)
Lautour, Charles de (Production individual)
Wright, Basil19071987 (Production individual)
Taylor, Donald19111966British film producer and director. (Production individual)
Wright, Basil19071987 (Production individual)
Brown, F J (Production individual)
King, Diana (Production individual)
Marlborough, Charles (Production individual)
Oswald, H E (Production individual)
Pohler, Leslie (Production individual)
King, Harold1896 (Production individual)
Shilton, Len (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: Horner, Arthur Lewis (person)
Jones, Charles (person)
South Wales Miners Federation (regiment/service)
Keywords: industry, British - primary: coal mining (object name)
medical, British civilian - preventative: medical inspection (object name)
society, British - domestic (object name)
GB, Wales & Rhondda, Glam (geography)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Subtitle language: None
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 2
Footage: 1380 ft; Running time: 15 mins