Summary: Something of the claustrophobic nature of the Normandy campaign can be gleaned from this film showing 49th (West Riding) Division troops 'mopping up' after the capture of Rauray.
Description: Two riflemen from the 2nd Battalion Kensington Regiment's 'C' Company escort a captive Hitlerjugend panzer grenadier from Rauray. In a search for snipers, a small team of infantrymen shoots up the roof of a farmhouse, then throws a grenade inside the building and sprays a tree with machine gun bullets. An M10 self-propelled gun belonging to the 55th Anti-Tank Regiment Royal Artillery overtakes three 2nd Kensington's 'C' Company carriers; in the background can be seen a knocked-out Tiger Ausf E tank. Infantrymen belonging to the 1st Tyneside Scottish Regiment file along the sunken road leading towards Rauray and head for a nearby farmhouse; Sergeant Christie, Army Film and Photographic Unit, can be seen taking 'stills' as the Tyneside Scottish move up. Two Sherman tanks from the 4/7th Dragoon Guards cautiously advance towards Rauray past the abandoned 501st SS Heavy Tank Battalion Tiger tank.
Production Details: Directorate of Public Relations, War Office (Production sponsor)
Army Film and Photographic Unit (Production company)
Ginger (Sergeant) (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: Christie (Sergeant) (person)
British Army, London Regiment, Bn 13, 2nd Battalion, Coy C (regiment/service)
British Army, Royal Artillery, AT Regiment 55 (regiment/service)
British Army, Black Watch, Tyneside Scottish (regiment/service)
British Army, Dragoon Guards, 7 (regiment/service)
British Army, Army Film and Photographic Unit (regiment/service)
German Waffen-SS & SS Panzer Div 12 (Hitlerjugend) (regiment/service)
German Waffen-SS & SS Panzer Grenadier Regt 26, Bn 3 (regiment/service)
Keywords: armour, United States - SPG: M10 Achilles (?) & [British] (object name)
armour, United States - tank: M4 Sherman & [British] (object name)
armour, British - carrier (object name)
armour, German - tank: Pzkpfw VI Ausf E & Tiger I (object name)
journalism and record, British - photographer (object name)
combat, British (object name)
weapons, British - grenade (object name)
prisoners of war, German - movement (object name)
operations, British military - movement: road (object name)
01/5(4-16).232 [ Operation Epsom] (event)
Rauray, Calvados, France (geography)