Summary: Animated Second World War "Careless Talk" short made to be shown to RAF personnel.
Description: Cartoon warning against the dangers of allowing information to fall into enemy hands, told as the story of a new "hush-hush" plane. The plane (a swallow-like shape with an animated face) is seen put through its paces by a frock coated bearded inventor in front of three RAF officers. The sentry guarding the plane is seen dreaming of his sweetheart and then writing to her "My Darling Dolly, we have a hush-hush plane here that thinks for itself......" . Dolly reads the letter in her office and shows it to her colleague - a montage of images follows: letters, telephone lines, a post box, telephone box, and radio waves. The information reaches Germany and is received by Hitler and Goebbels. A German plane then bombs the "hush-hush" plane and the sentry. The film concludes with "DON'T WRITE IT EVEN TO YOUR SWEETHEART".