Summary: First of three BBC schools programmes for secondary pupils using stock footage and a conventional historical commentary.
Description: The first programme of the three deals with the rise of "the fanatic... who was interested only in power, for himself and his country". There is an intelligent use of maps throughout the programmes. The defeat of Germany 1918, the humiliation of Versailles, the 1923 crisis are chronicled as the background against which the Nazi party became popular. The actual process of acquiring power is dealt with somewhat cursorily. By 1933 "no one was allowed to criticise Hitler and no one was even allowed to think for themselves". The film material is stock footage from newsreels and feature films, including much from TRIUMPH OF THE WILL.
Alternative Title:HISTORY 1917-71 [Series Title]
Object_Number:MGH 580
Access Conditions:NON-IWM
Featured Period:
Production Date:1972
Production Country: GB
Production Details: BBC Television (Production company)
Sheppard, Jill (Production individual)
Davies, Sid (Production individual)
Pask, Eric (Production individual)
Harris, Jack (Production individual)
Craske, Peter (Production individual)
Morse, Ken (Production individual)
Wills, Peter (Production individual)
Kennedy, Paul (Production individual)
Redhead, Brian (Production cast)
Collingwood, Charles (Production cast)
Personalities, Units and Organisations:
Keywords: Germany (geography)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Subtitle language: English
Technical Details: Format: 16mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Footage: 762 ft; Running time: 20 mins