Summary: I. "RAAF men join Fleet Air Arm." Some of the first RAAF pilots to fly with the RN. FAA are seen on deck somewhere at sea, flying Seafires, over a coastal region and landing and taking off on a carrier deck. One plane lies on its wing after an imperfect landing and is removed by crane; another is seen landing with a bounce and slewing over the side of the deck after knocking down a sailor.
II. "Hairdos for Australian brides." Fiancées of US servicemen attend a special demonstration where they watch the creation of hairstyles fashionable in their future home country, the USA.
III. "Revelation of Atomic Bomb stirs world." Dr. Mellor of Sydney University describes the difference between the conventional and atomic bomb ("destruction on a scale never previously imagined") and expresses the hope that the counsels of Japan's scientists, aware of the weapon's destructive power, will prevail over the fanaticism of the militarists.
IV. "Sydney: City crowds mob Australia's new VC winner." Sergeant Rattey meets Admiral Sir Bruce Fraser before speaking to the crowd which later chairs him.