Summary: Documentary tracing the life and the emotions of T E Lawrence using many of his own writings and photographs.
Description: This documentary narrates the story of Lawrence's life from his home background to his death in 1935 using some of his own words from journals and letters, his own photographs and drawings, archive film and interviews with those who knew him, including Sir Alec Kirkbride and Lowell Thomas. The documentary tries to penetrate the legend and establish the facts about his life and understand the personality that was an "enigma" in his own times and has been ever since. The way his fascination for the Arab world led him into the war effort and his activities with Faisal 1916/8 are all followed in some detail. His post-war anguish and outrage that Arab nationalism was not granted its fulfilment is described, leading on to the writing of 'Seven Pillars of Wisdom' and his total exhaustion with the "Orient and with intellectuality"... "I want so much to lie down and sleep and die" he writes. His attempts to evade publicity, his life as Aircraftsman Ross and Private Shaw and his desperate pessimism of this period, are all chronicled in the film. His love of speed, his happier life in Dorset and his final accident are the epilogue to the story.
Alternative Title:
Object_Number:MGH 718
Featured Period:
Production Date:1968
Production Country: GB
Production Details: BBC Television (Production company)
Brown, Malcolm (Production individual)
Donnellan, Philip (Production individual)
Liddell Hart, Basil Henry1895-10-311970-01-29 (Production individual)
Brown, Malcolm (Production individual)
Donnellan, Philip (Production individual)
Latham, Keith (Production individual)
Farnell, Stewart A (Production individual)
Meehan, Patrick (Production individual)
Jeffryes, Joan (Production individual)
Lytton, David (Production individual)
Cusack, Cyril (Production cast)
Lytton, David (Production cast)
Personalities, Units and Organisations:
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Subtitle language: None
Technical Details: Format: 16mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Footage: 2218 ft; Running time: 60 mins