VE CELEBRATIONS 8 MAY 1945 [Main Title]
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- Title: VE CELEBRATIONS 8 MAY 1945 [Main Title]
- Film Number: MGH 3431
- Other titles:
- Summary: VE Thanksgiving Sunday parade in Edinburgh followed by the visit of the Royal family to the city.
- Description: Title: V.E. Celebrations, 8th May 1945. Title: The Parade 13th May 1945. This colour footage records the Thanksgiving parade of Scottish troops and auxiliary units through the city streets. MS of a Highland regimental band standing in square formation on ceremony. Cut to a sequence of a Highland pipe band marching past, crowds line the pavement. MS of city dignitaries in red gowns seated in a line on Princes street. MS of civilian women and naval commanders seated with generals on a raised platform behind. MS of a Royal Naval band marching past followed by Royal Naval ratings. From the same camera position the rest of the units on parade are filmed marching past. The following units have been identified in order of appearance: WRENS; Officers of the Royal Navy; Sailors of the Royal Navy; WRENS; a pipe band of a Highland regiment, possibly the King's Own Scottish Borderers; soldiers of a Scottish Regiment; six members of the WAAFS; ATS; MS of a colonel taking the salute on a platform flanked by another colonel and two naval commanders. [Lord Provost Falconer took the salute]. MS of members of the Home Guard marching right to left; soldiers of a Highland regiment, followed by a band of the services; men of the RAF with rifles; WAAFS; WAAFS; ATS; a pipe band of the Black Watch; the police; Special Constabulary; women's Special Constabulary; CU of the crowd watching the parade; men of the Fire Brigade; women of the Fire Service followed by Civil Defence Volunteers and men of an auxiliary unit; Senior nurses; nurses in short red cloaks possibly of the Queen Alexander's Royal Army Nursing Corps; a women's auxiliary unit with white arm bands (WVS ?); a women's unit wearing white gloves (police auxiliaries ?); Women's Land Army; men and women workers in overalls, possibly first aiders or factory civil defence; workers carrying ropes and a banner with the words 'Glider Towropes'; a women's unit (of the RNVR ?); Merchant Seaman; police officers; police women; a Salvation Army band; the Boys Brigade; Boy Scouts; Girl Guides; young women of the Red Cross; young women of the St John Ambulance; girls in civilian clothes (possibly ARP messengers); school children in uniform, children in ordinary clothes. Title: The Royal Visit, V.E. 16th May 1945. This section is filmed in black and white. City dignitaries in ceremonial uniform parade up the platform of Princes Street station in Edinburgh. The Royal family (the King and Queen, Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret) disembark from a train at Princes Street station. The Royal Party are greeted by the Lord Provost, John I Falconer. MS of Princess Elizabeth in ATS uniform and Princess Margaret in civilian clothes. Pan of the magistrates and councillors of the city in their ceremonial robes, to Lord Falconer and Lady Falconer, shaking hands with the King and Queen. MS of the Princesses walking away from the train. MS of the Queen talking to Lord Falconer. Another official figure, probably the Secretary of State for Scotland Mr Thomas Johnston, in a dark suit, is also in attendance. The King, in Royal Naval uniform inspects a Guard of Honour made up of men from all three services. The Royal family climb in to a car and leave. The next section is in colour. A low angle shot of crowds of people standing behind barriers in the street. A close up of the Royal party arriving at St. Giles Cathedral to attend a national service of thanksgiving. They are greeted by Dr Charles Laing Warr, Dean of the Thistle. Also in attendance are Lord Lyon King-of-Arms and his heralds and pursuivants in heraldic surcoats. The King inspects RAF men in the courtyard. MS of Queen Elizabeth and the two princesses climbing the steps into the chapel. Cut to a shot of the city dignitaries leaving the chapel. The Royal party leave the cathedral via the Chapel of the Thistle and meet the crowds lining the street. LS of the Royal Party getting into a car. Pan of crowds watching in the street. MS of the Royal convoy driving off down the main street, crowds line the road. MS of the outside of the cathedral with crowds of people milling around. A CU of children with Union flags. Wide shot of the Royal car and people in the background waving. A shot of the people on the roof of a Grocer and Tea dealers shop (decorated with bunting) waving. MS of the Royal car passing down a street lined with cheering crowds. CU of people waving Union flags.
- Alternative Title:
- Colour: Colour (part B&W)
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: MGH 3431
- Sound: Silent
- Access Conditions: NON-IWM
- Featured Period:
- Production Date: 1945-05-08
- Production Country: GB
- Production Details:
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: Colour (part B&W) Sound format: Silent Soundtrack language: None Title language: English Subtitle language: None
- Technical Details: Format: 16mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Footage: 228 ft; Running time: 9 mins
- HD Media:
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