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- Title: THE LAND GIVETH [Main Title]
- Film Number: MGH 3488
- Other titles:
- Summary: A film about the wartime work of the British Red Cross and the fund raising activities of the Red Cross Agricultural Fund.
- Description: Extended shot of English farming land taken from a low flying aircraft. Cut to men ploughing behind teams of horses. The commentary discusses the return of prosperity and activity to the land after years of decline and neglect before the war. Those now working on the land are now raising funds for the Red Cross. Cut to still of the Red Cross emblem and that of the Order of St John. Shot of British soldiers, presumably POWs, behind bars. The commentary describes some of the work of the Red Cross as we see women looking through boxes of files in a large room in a stately home. Cut to a display of Red Cross medical supplies. A woman packing a Red Cross parcel with wool, vaseline and other items. Other gifts are shown: a Braille book, a Braille transcribing machine, a chessboard, draughts, musical instruments. Two men are seen making up bundles of books. In a large hall women make up parcels at long tables. Close-ups of parcels containing biscuits and other gifts. A poster advertising the Domestic Poultry Keepers auction on behalf of the Red Cross. Nurses hold rabbits petted by the Duke of Norfolk, at the Red Cross Agricultural Fund auction, London Zoo. A line of men inspect poultry that is to be auctioned. Close-up of chickens in a cage. Pigeons are released from baskets and seen flying above the houses. Arthur Askey appears leading a calf into the auction. Askey, the calf and a female handler stand in front of a large crowd. Askey asks the crowd to donate money to the Red Cross by placing money in the collecting boxes strapped to the calf. Askey makes various jokes to the camera which amuse the crowd. People come forward to donate money. Cut to the Florence Nightingale statue in London where a ceremony is taking place to hand over a million pounds raised by farmers for the Agricultural Red Cross Fund. The Duke of Norfolk, President of the Fund, makes a short speech and presents a cheque to Lord Iliffe (Edward Mauger), Chairman of the Duke of Gloucester's Red Cross and St John appeal. The pair are flanked by a number of dignitaries, Red Cross nurses and Land Girls. Pan along a line of Nurses and Land Girls. The Land Girls are wearing their uniform of corduroy breeches, woollen jumpers and wide brimmed Trilbys. Lord Iliffe hands over a small replica of Florence Nightingale's lamp as thanks. Cut to sheep and goats in pens at a cattle auction. Inside the sale hall agricultural folk listen to Lord Harewood, who is delivering a jokey speech of thanks to them for offering goods to be auctioned for the Red Cross appeal. The auction gets under way. Cut to a newsreel cameraman (Edward A Candy of Gaumont British News) kissing a woman next to a train. He has just returned from a prison camp in North Africa. To camera, he praises the work of the Red Cross and specifically the parcels which he and his fellow prisoners received while interned in the camp. Cut to tractors, driven by women, ploughing a field. Cut to aerial shot from low flying aircraft of fields with neatly stacked, regularly placed, heaps of hay.
- Alternative Title:
- Colour: B&W
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: MGH 3488
- Sound: Sound
- Access Conditions: NON-IWM
- Featured Period:
- Production Date: 1942
- Production Country: GB
- Production Details: British Red Cross Society (Production sponsor)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W Sound format: Sound Soundtrack language: English Title language: English
- Technical Details: Format: 35mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Footage: 629 ft; Running time: 7 mins
- HD Media:
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