Description: The items, possibly all from the same issue, have the following titles: "Inspection of special constables - inspection of the L Division of Metropolitan Special Constabulary by the Inspector General"; "Serving their country - the horse which was wounded in the battle of Loos still doing his bit for the country helping the women working on an Essex farm"; "In memory of his father - Master Henry Illingworth opens the Percy Illingworth Institute at Aldershot in memory of the late Liberal Whip. Mrs Lloyd George and General Sir A Hunter follow immediately behind the two boys"; "Scots Guards at Versailles - the men of the Scots Guards delight huge audiences by dancing national dances to the music of the pipes"; "Helping French charities - a successful fête held at Versailles in aid of the various French charities"; "US troops in training - American troops taking part in a musical ride at New Jersey"; "Pageant in Paris - M Poincaré President of the French Republic reviews troops taking part in the ceremonial parade in connection with the celebration of the 14th of July"; "Troops of the Allies led by the Scots Guards band, English, Scottish, Canadian, Australian, Indian and Russian troops march through Paris"; "Cavalry in action - the strenuous training of our mounted troops enabled them to clear the ground broken by artillery fire and push through into the third line of German defences"; "Mercy! Kamerade! - some of our "Tommies" practising with the bayonet. The sight of cold steel drives terror into the heart of the German and compels him to yell for mercy".