Summary: An edition of the British official newsreel "World Pictorial News", produced by the Ministry of Information, Middle East.
Description: I. 'HERRINGS BY THE MILLIONS.' A flotilla of British North Sea trawlers are shown at sea. Trawlermen throw nets and buoys over the side of a ship. North Sea trawler Tessie trawls for fish at an undisclosed location. Baskets of herring await collection on a cobbled quayside. Women workers at a fish processing plant use mechanical gutting machines as the first stage in the preparation of kippers. Internal footage shows the kipper smoking rooms. Herrings are packed into boxes ready for freezing. The boxes bear the legend "Herring Industry Board."
II. 'CANADA.' Large droves of wild horses are driven across the open countryside of Alberta in Canada, apparently destined to be shipped to Belgium.
III. 'GERMANY.' An item concerning the destruction of the Kriegsmarine submarine pens at Hamburg by British forces using captured German explosives. Panoramic footage shows the reinforced concrete U-boat pens at Hamburg in Germany. British sappers oversee German civilians loading handcarts with aircraft bombs formerly belonging to the Luftwaffe. The bombs are taken to the intact U-boat pens where they are emplaced into position by the British sappers. A British sapper attaches makeshift fuses to the bombs, supplementing their destructive effect with 25 kilogram boxes of "Nobels Explosive N 808" made by Fabrik Kummel. Detonation charge lines are laid from the mouth of the submarine pen using a hand-held reel. An unidentified British Army officer fires the explosive charges and the submarine pens are destroyed.
IV. 'MAKING THEM TOUGH.' Bare chested Australian soldiers negotiate a tough assault course in Queenstown, Tasmania. Soldiers climb over obstacles, walk along high cat-walks, slide down ropes and scale steep cliffs. One soldier bounces up and down on an elasticated rope before dropping into a landing pit filled with sand.
Production Details: Ministry of Information, Middle East (Production sponsor)
World Pictorial News (Production company)
Martin, Charles (Production individual)
Redway, John (Production cast)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: Australian Army (regiment/service)
Keywords: agriculture, British - fisheries (object name)
industry, British - food (object name)
agriculture, Canadian - animal (object name)
animals, mammals: horse (object name)
demolition, British - symbolic (object name)
training, Australian (object name)
Germany & Hamburg, Hamburg <U-boat pens> (geography)
Australia & Queenstown, Tas (geography)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Subtitle language: Arabic
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Footage: 708 ft; Running time: 8 mins