Film Number:MGH 4
Other titles:
Summary: Seven newsreel items - three by British Paramount News (items I, II, and V) and four by Pathe Gazette - (items III, VI, VII and VIII).
Description: I. (Reel 1.) "Graf Spee First Pictures" (BPN Special, released 25/12/1939 with Issue 920) shows damaged German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee at anchor in Montevideo after initial engagement, British POWs on board; Royal Navy buries German dead.
II. "First pictures - scuttling of Graf Spee" (BPN Special, released 1/1/1940 with Issue 922) shows Admiral Graf Spee putting to sea, burning, sinking.
III "His Majesty with BEF" (PG Story from Issue 39/98, released 14/12/1939): George VI visits forces in France; RAF Investiture - R C Gravesly received EGM, F H Gardner receives OBE.
IV. Untraced story - Hitler visits forces on Polish Front.
V "Warsaw still holds out against the Nazis" (BPN story in Issue 895, released 28/9/1939): Hitler flies over Pilsudski Memorial in Ju 52/3; German soldiers visit memorial; Hitler launches with troops at front; Germans bury French pilot, Capitaine Jacques Rosignol, with full honours; British airman POW makes statement that prisoners are being well treated by Germans; German officers supervise assembly of guns in factory ("in case of sabotage"); Refugees in Warsaw fed at soup kitchen.
VI. (Reel 2) "The British Army Moves up" (PG story from Issue 39/83, released 23/10/1939): Lord Gort gives lunch to correspondents; British units move up to Front Line.
VII. "Air Minister with RAF in France" (PG story from Issue 39/84, released 26/10/1939): Sir Kingsley Wood makes a surprise visit.
VIII. "Latest from the Western Front" and "With the Army over there" (PG stories from Issue 39/85, released 28/10/1939): a consignment of French tanks (Char B1 Bis) arrives by train; Lord Gort accompanies Dukes of Windsor and Gloucester visiting front; and Armoured Division (with Bren gun carriers) moves up to the front; a Squadron of Spitfires takes off (their camouflage removed to "entice" Messerschmitts" into combat); football match between French Army and RAF; bath time at the front - men bathe in tubs and wash each others hair.
Alternative Title:
Object_Number:MGH 4
Access Conditions:IWM
Featured Period:
Production Date:1939
Production Country: GB
Production Details: British Paramount News (Production company)
Pathe Gazette (Production company)
Personalities, Units and Organisations:
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 2
Footage: 1960 ft; Running time: 21 mins