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- Title: FOCUS ON ZAMBIA [Main Title]
- Film Number: MGH 1473
- Other titles: FOCUS ON ZAMBIA COMPILATION [Allocated Title]
- Summary: Compilation of short films and sequences from the Zambian Government newsreel "Focus on Zambia" features units of the Zambian armed forces (including the 2nd Zambian Combined Cadet Force and 7th Battalion the Zambian Rifles) under training by British officers in the years following Zambian independence.
- Description: I. "Territorials in Camp". Members of Zambia's territorial forces in camp at Tug-Argan Barracks in Ndola, recruits come from "the Copperbelt, Broken Hill and Lusaka". Soldiers wash and iron their uniforms in the open air, and carry out maintenance on their weapons (one gun is "aimed" at the camera). After a shower, there is kit inspection. The platoon set off on their first exercise: target practice at the range, then moving into the bush for tactical operations. Riot control exercise: the riot's ringleader is "shot" and the rioters disperse into the bush. Soldiers return to camp "to smarten up for the next parade". II. "Focus on Zambia: The Terriers". Recruits of 7th Battalion the Zambian Rifles, at Zambian Army headquarters in Lusaka, receive their first taste of army life, including combat training and formal inspection. The Zambian President, His Excellency Kenneth Kaunda, visits; he watches the training and goes to an open air canteen where the troops are fed. (Cameraman is Norman Grantham.) III. "Focus on Zambia: Terriers in Camp". One of Zambia's two territorial battalions attends a training camp by the Kafue River in the Southern Province. Supplies are dropped into the bush from a De Havilland Caribou aircraft of the Zambia aircraft; the crates are Riflemen enjoy an al fresco lunch of "bully beef... and a hot mug of tea" before taking part in a field battle drill. Afterwards, they relax by splashing around in the waters of the Kafue. (Cameraman is Colin Page.) IV. "Focus on Zambia: Cadets Show Their Paces". President Kaunda, as Commander-in-Chief of the Army, inspects members of the 2nd Battalion Zambian Combined Cadet Force at their annual camp near the Kafue River. The cadets are drawn from a number of schools around Zambia. Kaunda inspects the TS Zambesi cadet unit and their (very small) boat. Members of the unit carry out knotwork. On the rifle range, the 2nd Battalion's 1966 competition takes place; prizes are awarded afterwards for shooting (Prince Philip School Lusaka) and best all round contingent (Hillcrest School). The President takes the salute at a marchpast by the cadets. (Cameraman is Norman Grantham.) V. Brief sequence showing a military parade (in Lusaka?): soldiers march past, followed by military vehicles. VI. "The 7th Battalion the Zambia Rifles". The battalion's commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel R M Boyd, arrives at Burma Barracks Lusaka for the 1967 annual efficiency inspection. At Battalion Headquarters Major Tom Gledhill, the training major, and Major Philip Aldous, the Second in Command Designate, prepare orders. Lieutenant Colonel Boyd loads kit into his staff car ready to move out of the barracks to the training area. Troops arrive and get kitted up. Orders group: Major-General Grigg arrives and Major Aldous gives orders. Troops assemble and move to waiting lorries, which leave in convoy along the Great East Road. The exercise takes place at the Zambian Army's Central Ammunition Depot, the scenario being a cordon and search of the area for suspected terrorists. The cordon is set up, a suspect is caught, buildings are searched. Prisoners are detained and searched, and the ringleader is apprehended. Major Pulser (?) gives the results. Commentary notes that this is the last but one parade before Lieutenant Colonel "Bobby" Boyd leaves on retirement; "we shall miss him". Final caption "The End - A Souvenir for Lt Col R N Boyd".
- Alternative Title: FOCUS ON ZAMBIA COMPILATION [Allocated Title]
- Colour: B&W
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: MGH 1473
- Sound: Sound
- Access Conditions: NON-IWM
- Featured Period:
- Production Date: 1966
- Production Country: Zambia
- Production Details: Grantham, Norman F (Production individual) Grantham, Norman F (Production individual) Page, Colin (Production individual) Page, Colin (Production individual)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W Sound format: Sound Soundtrack language: English Title language: English
- Technical Details: Format: 16mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Footage: 687 ft; Running time: 19 mins
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