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- Title: THE BIRTH OF A SERVICE [Main Title]
- Film Number: MGH 2220
- Other titles:
- Summary: Wartime documentary focusing on the creation and functions of the National Fire Service (NFS) and the efforts of the men and women who serve in the NFS. Ends with an appeal for donations to the National Fire Service Benevolent Fund.
- Description: Opens with shots of old fashioned fireman's helmet and wartime fire helmet. Views of men and women of the North West Fire Service on parade presumably in Manchester. The commentary addresses of the creation of the National Fire Service in 1941. Montage of firemen and firewomen on duty. Various shots of fire fighting equipment being demonstrated. Training is given in both techniques and procedures. Firewomen are trained in control room procedures, and both sexes undertake physical training and exercise too. Pipes are laid to ensure that there is a good water supply for fire fighting purposes. Water tanks are filled. Rubbish is lifted from a tank and firemen visit a school to teach children that these tanks are dangerous and not for playing in. Assorted views of firemen at work. Reinforcement vehicles are seen arriving to provide additional assistance in the event of an enemy bombing raid. Hearty meals are available to provide much needed energy to those on duty. In the engineering workshops firemen are seen repair fire fighting equipment. The commentary notes that in order to accommodate the wartime demands upon the NFS it is necessary to adapt the majority of fire stations to meet these needs. Off-duty, some of the firemen and women make toys for children in hospitals and day nurseries, illustrated by various shots of toys being made then men and women in uniform handing out toys to children. Munitions factories have been established at many fire stations. Men and women are seen at work polishing aircraft propellers, but as the commentary notes they are "always available for a fire call". The fire siren rings and firemen immediately prepare to attend to a fire. Various shots of the firemen leaving the station. Scenes featuring women at work in the control room, according to the commentary illustrating that “in this work under Blitz conditions the women have proved their worth”. The firemen arrive at the fire and set to work extinguishing the fire. Close up views of fireman on extension ladder using a hose to extinguish the fire. Fireboats are also used to fight fires that start alongside rivers and canals. Various views of firemen at work on board fireboat. Footage of firefighters at work during the Blitz, and of anti-aircraft gunners attempting to stop the V-1 flying bombs from reaching their targets. Views of bomb damaged buildings. The commentary pays tribute to those who have given their lives or have been injured firefighting: "this film is dedicated to those hundreds who have given their lives and to those who have been injured fighting the battle of the flames". Film ends with a final onscreen credit: "This is a brief story of the National Fire Service - born in the stress of war. A story of men and women day and night at their posts confident in their ability to protect your home and your property. The National Fire Service Benevolent Fund has been created to assist the orphans & those who, through force of circumstance, have fallen on hard times. A Welfare Fund also exists to provide comforts and recreational equipment. Will you make your contribution to these funds and so show your appreciation of the work of these brave men and women? Britain's fourth arm - the N.F.S. is always ready."
- Alternative Title:
- Colour: B&W
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: MGH 2220
- Sound: Sound
- Access Conditions: NON-IWM
- Featured Period:
- Production Date: 1944
- Production Country: GB
- Production Details: Pathe Pictures (Production sponsor)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W Sound format: Sound
- Technical Details: Format: 35mm Number of items/reels/tapes: Footage: 1100ft
- HD Media:
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