Summary: Compilation of nine wartime National Savings trailers.
Description: I. "Wings for Victory". Recitation of verse "Dedicated to RAF" by Reginald Arkell, read by actor Robert Atkins, with a savings message. (Circa 1943 - this is also held separately as RMY 174.)
II. "Counting the Cost". A woman discovers she has overspent and is laughed at by the Nazi "squander bug", who will "get you if you don't watch out". Final message "We've got to keep on saving".
III. Informational flash warning about the dangers of fire caused by cigarettes. "When you're used to having incendiaries to deal with, do the same with your fag ends. Put them out." Unfiltered cigarettes are seen being stubbed in ashtrays, saucers and on the floor. Final warning that "there is a careless fire every other minute. Each one helps the enemy".
IV. "S Stands for ___" Shot of radio, with a comic soundtrack using alliteration to emphasise the value of saving. "Save every shilling. Slip it where it is safe." Close-up shot of Post Office Savings book.
V. "This and these." This - a National Savings stamp - and these - a strip of National Savings stamps - all "add up to this - we've got to keep on saving. Animation shows the stamps approaching a National Savings stamp book and sticking themselves in.
VI. "Tommy Handley's Victory Song". Savings film featuring the comedian Tommy Handley (of the radio programme ITMA) leading a sing-a-long with the words on the screen. His song has the message "Make your aim to save a bob [shilling] in the pound" towards the war effort.
VII. "Poppy Poopah's Pennies". The character Poppy Poopah (from the radio comedy series ITMA) talks in alliteration about "putting your pennies in the Post Office Savings Bank".
VIII. After a shot of a National Savings stamp book (everybody's gilt-edged security) a baby in a high chair exhorts everyone to save towards the war effort. "Protect the Citizen of Tomorrow with War Savings".
IX. "The Glad I". Man in a public house, wearing a cloth cap and smoking a cigarette, stands by a dart board and talks about lending his money to the country, which he will get back with interest. He then throws three darts towards the camera spearing three captions: "Saving Stamps", "Defence Bonds" and "Savings Certificates". "Three double tops - Invest in War Savings for Brighter Days Ahead".
Alternative Title:
Object_Number:MGH 2591
Access Conditions:
Featured Period:
Production Date:1943
Production Country: GB
Production Details: National Savings Committee (Production sponsor)