Film Number:MGH 3547
Other titles:AMATEUR FILM BY LEWIS COLES [Alternative Title]
Summary: Captioned, edited, amateur colour film record of events in King's Langley, Hertfordshire, on 23 May 1943 as part of for "Wings For Victory" week.
Description:Opening titles "WINGS FOR VICTORY PHOTOGRAPHED AND PRESENTED BY LEWIS COLES KING'S LANGLEY 23 MAY 1943". Shot of a Union flag followed by a view along the King's Langley High Street and a brief view of All Saints church. Two posters advertising the "Wings For Victory" campaign, one a showing the RAF roundel and an aircraft propeller which has been annotated "our target £20,000 why not £40,000?" followed by a shot of a poster or painting showing RAF aircraft flying over the desert.
Title "A CONCERT BY THE KLCD MEANT THIS": five men walking along a street, two carrying a wicker laundry basket, two carrying a large number of chairs and the last man carrying a piano stool.
Title "THE PROCESSION MARCHING UP CHURCH LANE" view of the procession and onlookers. The procession includes Boy Scouts, members of the Home Guard, a small contingent of RAF personnel, members of the AFS (Auxiliary Fire Service), members of the Civil Defence and members of the Royal Observer Corps. Brief shot of a group of nurses on the Common.
Title "THE DRUMHEAD SERVICE ON THE COMMON": large crowd gathered around for the religious service. The crowd includes members of the procession plus a large number of women and children. Posed shots of the clergy and choirboys, the group of nurses and the members of Civil Defence. Further shot of the Civil Defence members who march past the camera in threes.
Sustained shot of a board listing the collections throughout the week "May 22 -29 Target £20,000. Total £42,066." Film ends with a repeat of the opening shot of a Union flag.
Alternative Title:AMATEUR FILM BY LEWIS COLES [Alternative Title]