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- Film Number: MGH 3548
- Other titles: AMATEUR FILM BY LEWIS COLES [Alternative Title]
- Summary: Captioned, edited, amateur colour film record of events in King's Langley, Hertfordshire on 20 May 1944 as part of "Salute The Soldier" week and an Empire Day cricket match on 24 May 1944.
- Description: Opening titles "SALUTE THE SOLDIER. PRESENTED BY LEWIS COLES. KING'S LANGLEY DECIDED TO EQUIP ONE PARATROOP BATTALION WITH £50,000." Brief shot of two Union flags with an American Stars and Stripes flag. Shots of a window display including flags, a photograph of a paratrooper and a poster or painting of the Normandy Landings. Sustained shot of a poster "Salute the Paratrooper" showing the image of a paratrooper descending in his parachute with the text "He's British Stock, He's Gilt Edged! He's a British Credit too! If you have faith in him INVEST! Come Now, It's up to You!" Two posters advertising "Salute the Soldier" week, one with the text "Salute the Soldier - Save More, Lend More" the other "Salute the Soldier King's Langley week May 20th - 27th. Your selling centre 15 High Street, Post Office. Our target £50,000." Men, women and children standing outside a small shop (possibly the post office) which is heavily decorated with flags and posters. Title "20th MAY 1944 THE PROCESSION, HEADED BY 10TH HERTS BATTALION HG BAND": procession walking past a churchyard towards the camera. Many young boys are running alongside of the procession which consists of a Home Guard brass band, Royal Artillery personnel in a Fordson 15cwt truck towing a limber and a QF 25 pounder Mk III field gun, members of the AFS (Auxiliary Fire Service), nurses, members of Civil Defence, Boy Scouts and Girl Guides. Title "ON THE COMMON, WHERE THE SALUTE WAS TAKEN BY BRIGADIER R C FOOT MC": The procession turns from the road and enters the Common. Further shots of the Home Guard band, AFS, nurses, members of the Civil Defence, scouts and guides. Civil dignitary speaking through a microphone. Brigadier Foot speaking through a microphone. Shot of the Brigadier and civil dignitaries on the dais, with many children seated around. View of a Union flag on a flagpole and the assembled members of the procession. Title "DEMONSTRATION BY THE ROYAL ARTILLERY AND THE HOME GUARD": Royal Artillery loading the QF 25 pounder field Mk III field gun, positioned on its circular firing platform. Excited children look on. Title "HOME GUARD. DISPLAY BY 7D COY. SIGNAL SECTION. DISPLAY OF FLAG DRILL": members of the Home Guard take positions and execute a synchronised flag drill and then march off with their flags furled. Title "ATTACK ON ENEMY POST. NO 5 PLATOON": members of the Home Guard charge towards the camera through smoke and bayonet sandbags. (The building visible in the background is the King's Langley Royal Observer Corps post C1). Four Home Guard members treat two "casualties", applying a head bandage and arm-sling to one and immobilising and carefully lifting the other on to a stretcher and carrying him away on their shoulders. Title "ENEMY ATTACK ON OBSERVER POST AND COUNTER MOVE BY HG NO 3 AND 6 PLATOON": shots of a pretend observation post, defined by sandbags, twigs and a red flag and another area signed as "PRIVATE BATTLE COPSE" with men lying prone on the grass. A large constructed German "tank" moves slowly forward. The "tank" is attacked by smoke grenades and immobilised. Two members of the Home Guard lie down over coiled barbed wire to flatten it. Their comrades run over (and on) them to cross the wire. Men run forward and "take" the observation post. A small Union flag is affixed above the red flag. Shot of a young girl looking directly at the camera. View of the crowds. Title "SPIGOT FIRING NO 5 PLATOON": men setting up and dismantling a 29mm spigot mortar (Blacker Bombard). Title "MAJOR WILLIAMS O/C 7D COY CONFERS WITH CAPT SUTTON": shot of the two officers. The Home Guard unit fall out. Several people looking at the QF 25 pounder field Mk III field gun. Boy Scouts marching along the High Street passed 'The Saracen's Head' pub. Title "EMPIRE DAY A CRICKET MATCH WARDENS V NFS": various shots of the cricket match. A group of women and children watching the match. View of the scoreboard. Posed shot of several of the cricketers standing in the door way of the cricket pavillion. Batsman walking out of the pavilion towards the camera. Titles "THE WARDENS DECLARED AT 122 FOR 8 WICKETS, AND WITH ONE HOUR TO GO -- -- THE NFS SCORED 129 FOR 5 AND WON THE MATCH" Title "SATURDAY 27TH MAY 1944. KING'S LANGLEY HAD 'SMASHED' THE TARGET": view of the detail on a poster "'Salute the Soldier' week. King's Langley Savings Group. Target £50,000 Grand Total £55,664" close up on part of the image showing a saluting soldier and the words "I salute you". The film ends a repeat of the opening shot of two Union flags with an American Stars and Stripes flag.
- Alternative Title: AMATEUR FILM BY LEWIS COLES [Alternative Title]
- Colour: Colour (Kodachrome)
- Digitised: Yes
- Object_Number: MGH 3548
- Sound: Silent
- Access Conditions: IWM Film: © IWM (MGH 3548)
- Featured Period: 1939-1945
- Production Date: 1944-05-20-1944-05-24
- Production Country:GB
- Production Details:Coles, Lewis (Production individual)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics:Colour format: Colour (Kodachrome) Sound format: Silent Title language: English
- Technical Details:Footage: 298 ft; Running time: 12 mins
- HD Media:Yes
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