Description: I. "Prague Fights for her Freedom": Czech civilians revolt against the German Occupation of Prague. SS and Wehrmacht are mobilised. Patriots knock out 30 German tanks in street fighting. The Red Army liberates the city. President Benes returns from exile.
II. "Secrets of Our Flame Defences": Revelations of the petroleum jets that had been hidden under coastal waters after Dunkirk, as a defence against invasion, and also petroleum bombs for use on land.
III. "General Eisenhower Returns to US": In Paris, General de Gaulle presents Eisenhower with the Cross of liberation. Eisenhower is greeted in Washington by his wife, addresses Congress, is presented with an oak leaf cluster to the DSM by President Truman. Eisenhower is welcomed in New York by Major La Guardia, gets ticker-tape welcome.
IV "War in the Pacific": Japanese suicide pilots are show in action in first film of them shown in Britain. They hit an American carrier of the Essex class and the carrier, "Bunker Hill". Carrier planes are shown on fire. Funeral at sea of American casualties off Okinawa.
Alternative Title:
Object_Number:MGH 453
Access Conditions:NON-IWM
Featured Period:
Production Date:1945-05
Production Country: GB
Production Details: Gaumont British (Production company)