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- Title: BRITAIN AT WAR [Main Title]
- Film Number: MGH 3773
- Other titles: BRITAIN THROUGH THE WAR (previous title) [Main Title] ENGLAND AT WAR (previous title) [Main Title] AMATEUR FILM BY ROSIE NEWMAN [Alternative Title]
- Summary: A captioned amateur film, predominantly colour, shot an edited by Rosie Newman, of aspects of life on the Home Front, Second World War, including unique footage of the London Blitz and some activities of the three armed services to which Miss Newman managed to arrange unprecedented access and permission to film.
- Description: The film opens with the title "Britain at War" superimposed over a map of the British Isles, followed by the captions "THIS FORTRESS BUILT BY NATURE .....SURVIVES THE TIDE OF WAR" with views of the British coastline. Large poster fixed along railings "You can help build planes, guns and ships - mobilise for war work" with images of a soldier, sailor and airman pointing (in the style of the Kitchener poster). Caption "THE HOME GUARD IS FORMED" "THIS CITIZEN'S ARMY SPRINGS UP OVERNIGHT FOR THE DEFENCE OF THE HOMELAND", b&w footage of the Home Guard and LDV (not shot by Rosie Newman). London, "J" zone, London District Home Guard in training 5 January 1941. Caption "THE COLONEL ADDRESSES HIS PROSPECTIVE N.C.O'S" Colonel with his men in a walled courtyard, men at drill in a park, bayonet practice outside a large building (school?). Caption "HEAVY MACHINE GUN DRILL" machine-gun drill outside a large building. Caption "THROWING HAND GRANADES" two members of the Home Guard throwing hand grenades. Caption "DESPATCH RIDERS ARE MAINLY RELIED ON FOR COMMUNICATIONS" panning shot of a line of motorcycles (one with side-car), despatch rider driving past the camera, several shots of despatch riders, despatch rider delivering message to an officer. Caption "LAYING A SMOKE SCREEN WITH LIGHT MORTARS" laying of smoke, member of the Home Guard charging through the smoke screen carrying rifles with fixed bayonets. Caption "....ALL THIS WHILE CARRYING ON THEIR CIVILIAN OCCUPATION!" Home Guard unit marching along road. Caption "THE C.O. TAKES THE SALUTE" march past of the Home Guard. Rolling captions "THERE IS BUT ONE TASK FOR ALL, FOR ONE EACH LIFE TO GIVE; WHO STANDS IF FREEDOM FALL? WHO DIES IF ENGLAND LIVE?" London Blitz, 1941 (probably April). Captions "THE BLITZ BEGINS... AND LONDON TAKES IT" night shots of burning buildings, probably in the Piccadilly area. Day shots of damaged buildings including 145 Piccadilly. A Policeman inspecting Rosie Newman's papers. View along Piccadilly. Damage to the church of St James's Piccadilly. Caption "IN THE NEXT STREET LONDONERS CARRY ON AS USUAL" view along Piccadilly, women and children queuing at stalls in the street, undamaged luggage shop 'Mayfair trunks Ltd'. Caption "YES IT IS BOND STREET" shot of an AA diversion sign, 'Gerrard Florists' and Red Cross Nurses standing outside of a Red Cross Shop at 17 Old Bond Street. Caption "BLITZ WINDOWS - A NEW STYLE" views of various shop windows "Charbonnel et Walker", "Moyses Stevens", "Rootes", "Boots, The Chemists", "Pillars of Perth" and "Hoopers and Co Ltd". Caption "THE WINDOW IS GONE BUT THEY ARE NONE THE WORSE" puppies in a pet shop window. Caption "ANOTHER RAID LEAVES ITS TRAIL" night shots of burning buildings and civilian onlookers silhouetted against the flames, days shots of damaged buildings including "National Provincial Bank". Caption "IN CHARGE OF THE PUMP" fireman, pump and water reservoir in the street. Caption "THEY HAVE WORKED CONTINUALLY FOR 16 HOURS", fireman in the smoking ruins, sign "Danger Gas Escape No Smoking", fractured gas main, fires in a cordoned off area of the street, damaged diary shop. Caption "BUT THE 'MILKIE' DELIVERS THE GOODS" female 'Milkie" milk-rounds woman with an "Express Diary" handcart, horse-drawn vegetable cart outside "SEFL Pemberton and Company Ltd", sign "Danger Unexploded Bomb", female flower seller seated on steps smoking a pipe and holding her basket of flowers, items of furniture being lowered down by rope from a window of a building, household goods piled on the pavement, shop front of a branch of "J Lyons and Co". Caption "ALL THAT REMAINS OF A WEST END FURNITURE DEPOSITORY" burnt out building of "The West End Store Warehouse", Baker Street. Caption "PASSING THROUGH THE PARK, PILES OF SALVAGE THAT ONCE WAS HOMES" neat piles of wood, bricks, doors, gates, water tanks and baths in Hyde Park. Caption "WHO CARES FOR HITLER" shot of ducklings and wild primulas, probably Hyde Park. Caption "RESTORATION OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS GOES ON PEACE AND WAR" shot of scaffolding outside the House of Commons, Houses of Parliament, Westminster. Caption "SOUTH OF THE RIVER" trains heading toward a station (probably Waterloo), damaged railway bridge (possibly Westminster Bridge Road). Caption "THE HOSPITAL SPIRIT - DOWN BUT NOT OUT" shot of St Thomas' Hospital, Lambeth Palace Road, followed by brief shots of children, a nurse and a baby in a cot. Caption "THIS REMINDS ME OF DANIEL'S PROPHECY... THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION IN THE HOLY PLACE" damage to London churches including the Southwark Roman Catholic Cathedral, St George's Road. Caption "ANOTHER MORNING RESCUE PARTIES STILL DIGGING FOR VICTIMS" various shots of damaged buildings and of rescuers digging in the rubble. Caption "SORTING OUT BELONGINGS" ARP warden sorting out belongings (clothes?) in the ruins, piles of debris. Caption "RISKY WORK" demolition of an unsafe building. Caption "THE PIONEER CORPS AT WORK" members of the Pioneer Corps at work in the Piccadilly area, shot of the damaged St James' Church in Piccadilly, shots of the damaged City Temple, Lincoln's Inn. Caption "THE CITY TEMPLE NOW AN EMPTY SHELL" more shot of the ruins of City Temple. Caption "A PERILOUS JOB" men working high up on the facade of a damaged building. Caption "ST PAUL'S RISES ABOVE THE WRECKAGE" shot of St Paul's Cathedral amid bombed damaged buildings, shot of minor damage to the Cathedral. Caption "BUT LONDON STILL STANDS" high panning shot over roof and trees. Caption "WHERE EVER YOU GO YOU WILL FIND ..... THE ARP" ARP warden sitting outside his sandbagged ARP hut in Westminster. Caption "RED CROSS NURSES AT DRILL" parade of Red Cross nurses in a garden, probably Westminster. Caption "WORKING FROM THE VANS DURING RAIDS MANY HAVE LOST THEIR LIVES" Red Cross nurses, wearing tin helmets, climbing out of their vehicle, Stretcher Party no 63, Westminster getting in to their car. Caption "THE STRETCHER PARTY IN ACTION" member of Stretcher Party no 63 Westminster practice their rescue techniques on a "casualty", the "casualty" is moved on to a stretcher and loaded in to a London County Council ambulance (registration BFJ 77) with the Stretcher Party car following behind (registration FLM 980). Foxwarren Park, probably 1941 Caption " THE COUNTRY ALSO HAS ITS RAIDS, THESE LOVELY FLOWERS HIDE MANY BOMB HOLES" shots of banks of flowers, still photograph of bomb damage, shots of a rose garden. Caption "THIS IS ONLY 18 MILES FROM LONDON AT FOXWARREN PARK" shots of the formal gardens and peacocks. Caption "TESTING HIS MICKEY MOUSE" small boy putting on his child's gas mask. Caption "UNDERGROUND SAFETY" three women (two wearing gas masks) enter an underground air-raid shelter followed by a dachshund dog. Hever Castle, Hever, Kent 1941. Captions "HEVER CASTLE DATING FROM THE 12TH CENTURY BUILT OF KENTISH RAG" "MANY EVACUEES NOW ENJOY ITS BEAUTIFUL SURROUNDINGS" various shots of the castle and ground. Caption "SOLVING SHELL PROBLEMS BY ARBITRATION" two tortoises meeting head to head. Caption "SOLDIERS AND SAILORS VISITING THEIR FAMILIES IN SAFE AND HAPPY SURROUNDINGS" shots of soldiers and sailors with their families and small children playing in the castle grounds. Caption "OVERWHELMED!" small child stand unsteadily looking at the camera and is knocked over by an over-enthusiastic older child. Shots of a horse and foal, cattle, lake and swans. Caption "LEAVING FOR HOSPITAL" women motorcyclist, with female passenger in side-car, drives away from the camera. Rushbrooke Auxiliary Hospital Bury St Edmunds 3 May 1942. Caption "A FINE JACOBEAN HALL, ONCE AN HISTORIC HOME, NOW AN AUXILIARY RED CROSS HOSPITAL" panning shot of the exterior of the building with male patients in the grounds, Red Cross nurse walking by the walled moat across a wooden bridge. Caption "THE OAK PANELED WARD" view of the the ward and Red Cross nurses attending to male patients, shot of a male patient in his bed on a terrace. Caption "REMEDIAL EXERCISES" large group of male patients, all stripped to the waist, doings various physical exercises on a lawn at the front of the building, smaller group of seated male patients, most with obvious leg injuries, doing various physical exercises. Caption "THE MEDICINE BALL" two lines of male patients, most stripped to the waist, throwing medicine balls, male patients running in a circle, two Red Cross nurses walk past and talk with male patients seated outside of the hall, group of male patients playing cards (many of the patients are smoking cigarettes). Caption "LOOKING AFTER THE INNER MAN" male patients eating in the mess. Caption "OFF FOR SPECIAL TREATMENT" patients being driven away in an ambulance (gift from the Canadian Red Cross Society). Caption "REMEMBRANCE" shot of a red poppy. Scottish National Institute For Blinded Sailors, Blenheim House, North Berwick, September 1941. Caption "VICTORY OVER BLINDNESS. ALL THESE ARE WAR VICTIMS" brief shots of a garden party with patients, nurses and flag-sellers. British Honduran lumberjack camp, Haddington, Lothian, September 1941. Caption "VOLUNTEERS FROM BRITISH HONDURAS LUMBERING SOMEWHERE IN BRITAIN" shots of lumberjacks at work, sawing at base of a tree, felling trees and removing branches. Caption "THESE MEN USED TO CUT MAHOGANY. THEY BROUGHT THEIR OWN TOOLS" lumberjacks carrying felled trees, lumberjack stripping the bark off of a felled tree. Caption "STRIPED BY DEFT HANDS" various shots of lumberjacks stripping bark. Caption "PROUD OF THEIR GAS MASKS" two lumberjacks posing for the camera in their gas masks. Caption "THE FINISHED TIMBER, USED FOR PIT PROPS" stripped timber being placed in piles. Caption "BACK TO CAMP" lumberjacks sitting on the back of a flat-bed lorry arriving back in their tented camp, drinking water from a stand-pipe, cooking on open air stoves, lumberjack posing and playing his guitar. Caption "NOTE THEIR PHYSIQUE. THESE BOXERS GAVE EXHIBITION MATCHES" brief shot of an exhibition bout with some of the lumberjacks looking on. Bordon, 1 and 2 July 1941, General McNaughton and a contingent of Canadian troops on exercises . Caption "WITH THE CANADIANS WHO VOLUNTEERED TO DEFEND THE MOTHERLAND" close-up of an Canadian shoulder flash, officers inspecting drivers and vehicles. Caption "THE OFFICE TRUCK IS THE TRAVELLING HEADQUARTERS" officers enter truck and tent. Caption "GENERAL MCNAUGHTON AND SENIOR STAFF", on the roadside between Reigate and Dorking, 3 July 1941 Lieutenant-General A G L McNaughton with his offices including Major-General V W Odlum. Lieutenant-General A G L McNaughton talking with Brigadier Kenneth Stuart. Caption "BRITISH AND CANADIANS TROOPS COMBINE. TANKS MOVE UP" Bordon, 1 or 2 July 1941, Valentine tank moving through field of small fir trees. Location unidentified. Caption "IF INVASION COMES BY SEA AND AIR" colour footage of petroleum warfare beach defence anti-invasion trials, (possibly not shot by Miss Newman). Bordon, 1 or 2 July 1941. Caption "BREN CARRIERS LEAD THE ATTACK" , Universal carriers with Bren Guns moving at speed followed by infantry carrying Lee Enfield Mk III rifles. Caption "FIELD TELEPHONES BEING LAID" group of infantry moving past a soldier laying a telephone cable, radio truck moving forward, two soldiers operating a field telephone. Caption "GAS DETECTED BY SENSITIVE PAPER CARRIED ON THE BAYONET" soldier putting on his gas mask, testing area with gas sensitive paper carried on a bayonet attached to Lee Enfield Mk III rifle, group of soldiers wearing full protective clothing and gas masks moving forward and continually checking with gas sensitive paper and marking the way with a "gas" triangle. Caption "LAYING A PAPER PATH TO BRIDGE CONTAMINATION THAT CANNOT BE BYPASSED" soldiers wearing full protective clothing and gas masks lay a paper carpet along the route previously checked for gas, soldiers wearing gas masks march single file along the paper carpet, soldiers being assisted to remove his gas mask. Caption "COMMANDOS COME IN TO BEING" b&w footage of commandos in training (not shot by Miss Newman). "THE NEXT REEL FOLLOWS IMMEDIATELY" Probably London 1941. Caption "AN IMPORTANT PART OF OUR DEFENCES" long-shot of a barrage balloon in the sky. Caption "HOW THE SILVER MONSTER GOES UP" partially inflated barrage balloon being raised by RAF personnel, shot of the partially inflated balloon in the sky. Caption "HAULING IN" partially inflated barrage balloon being hauled in. Phillips and Powis Factory, Reading 27 August 1941. Caption "SOMETHING QUITE DIFFERENT - ONE OF OUR BIG WAR FACTORIES" workers arriving at the factory by foot and by bicycle, row of bicycles parked in bicycle sheds. Captions "AIRCRAFT PRODUCTION IN FULL SWING" "KEEPING BRITAIN'S FIGHTERS IN THE AIR" men working on fuselage parts on a bench, man working on a wing section of a plane. Caption "AN ARMY OF HIDDEN WORKERS" line of men working on rotary engines, man working on a wing section, man working on a metal cowling (?), man checking fuselage parts with a set-square, three women working on a bench polishing wires (?), man checking an assembled part, two men working on an engine, workers queuing for tea from a tea trolley. Caption "100% EFFICIENCY IN EVERY DETAILS IS THE STANDARD" men working on an engine of a Miles Master aircraft, men working on an uncompleted airframe, men working on a partially completed Miles Master painted in red dope with training yellow underpaint, three women workers pose for the camera whilst drinking tea outside of a hanger (chalk "V" for victory sign visible on the wall), man pushing trolley containing five tail plane sections, man pushing trolley containing skeletal wing section, two fuselage sections on the back of a Comer Q2 lorry, perspex canopy sections unloaded from the a flatbed lorry, airwing sections being towed by a RAF tractor. Caption "A FINISHED PLANE ROLLS OUT FOR TESTING" Miles Magister (T9826) in training yellow underpaint is pushed out of a camouflage painted hanger, Miles Master (AZ376) in training yellow underpaint being towed by a tractor. Caption "OTHERS BEING COMPLETED" Miles Master (AZ377) in training yellow underpaint standing in a field, men working on Miles Master (AZ376). Caption "GUARDED BY THE MILITARY. AWAITING FERRY PILOTS" Army Auxiliary personnel posing for the camera by Miles Master (AZ377), Miles Master (AZ282) and two other Miles Master aircraft all with tarpaulins over their engine and cockpit. Captions "HERE ARE THE FERRY PILOTS" "WE ARE PROUD OF OUR WOMEN" b&w footage of women ATA "ferry pilots" (not shot by Miss Newman - from MoI production "Ferry Pilot", IWM film ref COI 395). Possibly RAF Digby, 21 and 22 August 1941. Caption "WAAF'S LEARN ABOUT GUNS AS WELL AS AIRCRAFT AT RAF AERODROME", group of WAAF's with an RAF instructor grouped around a Lewis gun, group of WAAF's with their backs to the camera look at an partially dismantled Vickers Wellington aircraft in a hanger. WAAF mechanics working on a Hawker Hurricane. RAF Digby, 21 and 22 August 1941. Caption "A VISIT TO A FIGHTER SQUADRON" ground crew working on a Supermarine Spitfire MkIIA (VZC). Caption "ARMOURERS SERVICEING [sic. servicing] GUNS BUILT INTO THE WINGS" armourers working on Browning .303 air-cooled machine guns on Spitfire MkIIA. Caption "PETROL TENDER FUELLING SPITFIRE" RAF tractor pulling bowser, fuelling Spitfire MkIIA (VZA). Caption FIGHTER PILOTS CHECKING MAPS BEFORE TAKING OFF" group of RCAF pilots posing for the camera and looking at a map, shot of a pilot wearing an Irvine flying jacket. Caption "OFF ON A SWEEP" pilots walking towards the camera, pilot climbs in to the cockpit of Spitfire MkIIA (VZB), Spitfires MkIIA (VZB and VZA) taxiing, flight of 10 Spitfire MkIIA's taking off, b&w footage of an aerial dog-fight (not shot by Miss Newman). Caption "DO YOU REMEMBER MR CHURCHILL'S WORDS 'THE MANY TO THE FEW'?" single Spitfire taxiing, two Spitfires taxiing, Spitfire MkIIA (VZF) coming to a halt, pilot getting out of a Spitfire MkIIA, close-up of a pilot wearing an Irvine flying jacket getting out of the cockpit of a Spitfire MkIIA (VZA) and removing his parachute, pilot getting out of the cockpit of a Spitfire MkIIA (VZD) and removing his parachute. Caption "TEA-TIME AT THE NAAFI WAGON" men seated around a NAAFI wagon with a RAF bowser visible in the background, men queuing at the NAAFI wagon, man sitting at a trestle table writing, two men seated to the side of the NAAFI wagon. Caption "CEASELESS VIGIL" 20mm Hispano-Suiza anti-aircraft cannon in an anti-aircraft pit, its turning circle being demonstrated for the camera. WRNS Quarters, St Micheal's Road, Portsmouth, 28 June 1941. Caption "WRNS COMMENCE TRAINING BEFORE UNIFORMS ARE AVAILABLE" group of women in civilian dress doing various physical training exercises in a large garden, four WRNS wearing overalls putting up string on a fence (probably as a support for beans) in a vegetable garden. Caption "HOW THEY IMPROVISED WHEN THEIR KITCHEN WAS BLITZED" four WRNS and a WRNS officer cooking on a make-shift open air stove. Caption "'WRENS' HEADQUARTERS", b&w interior shots (not shot by Miss Newman). Caption "DUTIES INCLUDE FILING, TELEPHONE, TELEPRINTING, TYPING AND MANY OTHER THINGS" b&w interior shots of WRNS at work (not shot by Miss Newman). Caption "URGENT DESPATCH BY MESSENGER" WRNS officer standing in doorway, WRNS messenger salutes and takes a message leaves by bicycle. Caption "READY TO TAKE THEIR PLACES IN THE NAVAL WAR EFFORT" unidentified cricket ground, presumably Portsmouth, a group of WRNS on parade. Scenes onboard «HMS Berkeley» (L.17) Hunt class escort destroyer, out of Portsmouth, 27 June 1941. Captions "THEN I WAS PRIVILEGED TO VISIT THE ROYAL NAVY" "WHAT I SAW ON A DAY'S PATROL IN A DESTROYER" shot of the ships bell "HMS Berkeley 1940". Caption "ALL GONE FOR'ARD" shot from «HMS Berkeley» leaving the dock with civilian working watching from the quayside. Caption "SALUTING THE PASSING FLAGSHIP" shot from the bridge showing the crew manning the side, shot of the bridge covered with Splinter Protection Padding, members of the crew posing for the camera, view of the docks and of moored ship as «HMS Berkeley» leaves the harbour. Caption "CEASELESS ACTIVITY OUTSIDE HARBOUR, PATROLS AT WORK" long shot of ships in the harbour, barrage balloon in the sky, First World War vintage Hunt class mine-sweeping sloop, view from the bridge of the stern of «HMS Berkeley». Caption "MINESWEEPERS, TRAWLERS AND DESTROYERS ALL TOW PROTECTIVE 'KITES'" «HMS Walnut» (T.103) towing a barrage balloon, «HMS Fernie» (L.11) towing barrage balloon, panning shots of various ships showing barrage balloons. Caption "A CONVOY IS SIGHTED" long shot of a convoy. Caption "WE SIGNAL TO THEM" signal flags flown from «HMS Berkeley» , passing ship - probably a Barrage Balloon Vessel, semaphore signaller onboard «HMS Berkeley». Caption "AIRCRAFT SIGHTED" officers on the bridge using binoculars, signaller using an Aldis lamp. Caption "'ALARM AIRCRAFT' SMOKE SCREEN LAID" sustained shot of funnel making smoke. Caption "ACTION STATIONS" crew manning the twin 4 inch guns. Caption "SETTING FUSES" crew firing the twin 4 inch guns, shot of a Supermarine Spitfire flying overhead (possibly footage shot at RAF Digby), 2 pounder quadruple pom-poms being fired, b&w footage of aircraft crashing in to the sea (not shot by Miss Newman). Caption "ANCHORING AFTER 'CEASE FIRE'" anchor party, sailor with hammer waiting to 'knock and the slip' and release the anchor chain, anchor chain being released. Caption "AWAY LIFE BOAT CREW - FOR POSSIBLE SURVIVORS" sailors putting on life jackets and the lifeboat (ships whaler) being lowered over the side, lifeboat being rowed away from the ship, b&w footage of an aircraft tail in the water (not shot by Miss Newman). Caption "NOTHING DOING BUT THE NAVY DOES NOT TAKE THE CHANCE" lifeboat returning to the ship, lifeboat is prepared to be hoisted back onboard. Caption "HOISTING BY HAND" lifeboat is hoisted back onboard. Caption "WEIGHING ANCHOR" sailor sweeps the anchor chain to remove silt, two sailors kick the anchor train to keep it straight as it is pulled in. Caption "AND THE CONVOY STEAMS SAFELY ON ITS WAY" various medium shots of a convoy at sea, including shots of «HMS Pine» (T.101) and «HMS Fratton» (B.16), shot of the stern of «HMS Berkeley» taken from the bridge. Caption "SPONGING OUT THE GUNS" sponging out, cleaning and polishing the twin 4 inch guns, polishing the brass work on the pom-poms, loading and elevating the pom-poms. Caption "GOING TO DRAW THE RUM RATION" sailors posing with various size brass jugs, sailors queuing, rum being poured from one jug. Caption "I 'MANAGED' ONE TOT" b&w still photograph of the camerawoman Rosie Newman posing with her drink. Caption "COOKIE" b&w footage of the ship's cook posing with a large baking tray full of Yorkshire pudding. Caption "CUTS THE 'YORKSHIRE'" b&w footage of the cook cutting up the large Yorkshire pudding. Caption "HAND TO DINNER" b&w footage of sailors in the mess seated at a long tables. Caption "DISTRIBUTING COMFORTS AND GAMES FROM THE 'DAILY SKETCH' FUND" sailors gather round as 'comforts' are distributed from a sack - long woollen 'fishermen's socks' (sea-boot stockings) and shorter navy socks. Caption "'UCKERS' THEIR NAME FOR LUDO" sailors seated on the deck playing Ludo, sailor playing with the ship's puppy, sailor and puppy posing for the camera. Caption "OUR CAPTAIN INSPECTS DIVISIONS" sailors on deck lined up for inspection, the captain Lt Cmd H G Walters and his officers inspect the men. Caption "THEN PRESENT MEDALS FOR PAST GALLANTRY" Lt Cmd Walters presents medals to members of the crew. Caption "ANOTHER DAY'S WORK DONE, IN THE SAME NELSON SPIRIT" shot of Admiral Nelson's flagship «HMS Victory». Caption "HOISTING IN THE GANGWAY" groups of sailors on pulling ropes to move the wooden gangway. Southampton docks 13 December 1944. Captions "1944 D DAY" "THE ALLIES - STRIKE" "THE BIGGEST TRANSPORT OPERATION OF ALL TIME - MILLIONS OF MEN AND MACHINES" shot of British troops embarking on a landing craft (LSI), troops seated on the quay, panning shots of LSTs (US.262 and US.509), truck reversing up ramp in to LST, jeep and trailer driving at speed up ramp in to LST. Caption "OUR MAMMOTH ORGANIZATION EVEN BUILT SPECIAL LOADING RAMPS" US Army jeeps and trucks reversing up ramp in to LST. Caption "EVERY DIFFICULTY IS SURMOUNTED" US 7 ton M2 Cletrac tractor pushing trailer up ramp in to LST, US Army truck reversing up ramp in to LST. Caption "UNDAUNTED HUMOUR" American soldier wearing a top hat poses for the camera on the ramp of a LST. Caption "LANDING SHIP CRAFT" LST (US.377) in foreground with dazzle-painted LST (673) passing behind. Caption "THIS SHIP CARRIES A WHOLE TRAIN" two-funneled ferry pulls out of harbour, British troops seated on the quayside and embarking on a landing craft (LSI), troops looking down from the LSI with scramble netting visible at the side of the ship, shot of British troops climbing up the gangway on to a LSI, b&w footage of British troops reading a 'France' pamphlet (not shot by Miss Newman). Caption "WITH GOD'S HELP, FORWARD TO VICTORY" b&w footage of D-Day (not shot by Miss Newman). Caption NOT LONG AFTER - THE FIRST FRUITS" b&w footage of German prisoners (not shot by Miss Newman). RAF Down Ampney c.17-19 December 1944. Caption "FROM THE VERY FIRST DAY OUR WOUNDED ARRIVED HOME BY AIR" aircraft in the sky, RAF Douglas C-47 Dakota taxiing along runway past waiting military ambulances, ambulances drive towards the aircraft. Caption "NOTE THE WIDE DOORS SPECIALLY BUILD FOR THE REMOVAL OF STRETCHERS" RAF Douglas C-47 Dakota with double doors opened for the removal of stretchers, RAF personnel lifting casualty from aircraft to ambulance, numbered boxes unloaded from the aircraft, another stretcher case transferred from the aircraft to waiting ambulance. Caption "MANY OF THESE MEN HAD NEVER FLOWN BEFORE" RAF personnel lifting casualty on stretcher from aircraft to ambulance. Caption "THEY DON'T WORRY, THEIR WAAF NURSING ORDERLY (JUST ONE) INSPIRES CONFIDENCE" brief b&w shot of a WAAF nursing orderly in aircraft, known as "Flying Nightingales". Caption "AND NOW ONTO 'CASUALTY EVACUATION CENTRE'" military ambulance with three stretcher cases and a WAAF nursing orderly drive away from an aircraft, ambulance driven by a WAAF, stretcher case carried in to 'Casualty Evacuation Centre'. Caption "NURSE CHECKING EVACUATION TICKETS" b&w footage nurse checking tickets, patients in bed (many smoking cigarettes), doctor examines a patients with a head wound. Caption "TRAINS AND AMBULANCES TAKE THEN TO VARIOUS HOSPITALS" US ambulance backs towards the camera. Caption "WHEN THERE ARE NO 'CASES' THE DAKOTAS CARRY MAIL" RAF Douglas C-47 Dakota taxis to a halt and mail bags are unloaded on to a flatbed lorry. Captions "BUT THE FIGHT GOES ON.." "TO THE FINISH" b&w footage of paratroops (not shot by Miss Newman) Caption "VICTORY" b&w photograph of Winston Churchill. London, 8th June 1946. Captions "A YEAR LATER" "TRIBUTE IS MADE TO THOSE WHO MADE IT POSSIBLE" Selfridges department store in Oxford Street, bedecked with the Union Flag and flags of the Allied nations. Shot of a sign in front on the ornate clock at the main entrance to the shop "Let Us Remember Those Great Allies Who Shared Our Struggle For Liberty", Odeon cinema (Leicester Square?) decorated with flags, Etam shoe shop decorated with Union flags, street flag seller. Long shot of open landau horse-drawn carriages driving along The Mall (?) with a cavalry escort. Caption "THEIR MAJESTIES", royal landau with cavalry escort driving along The Mall (?), high angle views of part of the 1946 Victory Parade including a contingent of Australian troops (?) twelve motorcycle despatch riders, troops in two 6 x 6 2.5 ton DUKWs, two Army ambulances, dismantled RAF Tempest on RAF low-loader, RAF mobile radar control vehicle (?), RAF inflatable dinghies on RAF low-loader, two Cromwell tanks, two Comet tanks, two Sherman tanks, two Sherman flail tanks and a Churchill bridge-laying tank. Caption "SO THE END OF A DAY OF GLORIOUS MEMORIES" night shots of a firework display, day shot of a Union Flag with a barrage balloon visible in the background. Title "THE END"
- Alternative Title: BRITAIN THROUGH THE WAR (previous title) [Main Title] ENGLAND AT WAR (previous title) [Main Title] AMATEUR FILM BY ROSIE NEWMAN [Alternative Title]
- Colour: Colour (part B&W)
- Digitised: Yes
- Object_Number: MGH 3773
- Sound: English
- Access Conditions: IWM
- Featured Period: 1939-1945
- Production Date: 1946-1946
- Production Country:GB
- Production Details:Newman, Rosie (Production individual) Newman, Rosie (Production individual)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics:Colour format: Colour (part B&W) Title language: English Subtitle language: English
- Technical Details:Footage: 2700 ft; Running time: 99 mins
- HD Media:Yes
- Link to IWM Collections page:
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