Other titles:SOUTH EAST ASIA COMMAND [Series Title]
Summary: The Governor of Burma, Sir Reginald Dorman-Smith returns to Rangoon, 16/10/1945. The film appears to be a compilation of footage from two different cameras.
Description: I. RAF flypast. Scenes in Rangoon harbour of a launch arriving. «HMS Cleopatra»? behind. Shot taken from a moving press vehicle near the Shwedagon pagoda of crowds lining the street. Sir Reginald Dorman-Smith and his wife disembark from the launch (Q391). they are met by Captain H J Murphy, Naval Officer in Charge, Lieutenant General Sir Montagu Stopford, Air Marshal Sir Hugh Saunders and Mr T L Hughes. A military band plays on the quayside; Dorman-Smith takes the salute in the foreground. Dorman-Smith inspects the naval troops. Dorman-Smith is introduced to prominent Burmese, and is then driven off in a jeep.
II. Shots of Dorman-Smith and his wife disembarking from the launch (as before but from a different angle). Shot of the military band and Dorman-Smith walking and talking with General Sir Montague Stopford. A gun salute. The cavalcade of cars arrive, some with the Union Jack on the front. Dorman-Smith outside Government House, Rangoon, removes his hat, the Union Jack is unfurls. The Union Jack (with the Governor's badge in the centre) flies atop Government House. Dorman-Smith inspects (Burmese) troops in the grounds of Government House.
Alternative Title:SOUTH EAST ASIA COMMAND [Series Title]