Summary: Everyday life for WRAF members at a coastal RAF station, probably Hastings area, summer 1918.
Description: Two women volunteers go along to the recruiting centre, emerging in WRAF uniform. There is a parade at the station, after which the women depart to their various duties. Some work as clerks, some as waitresses in the officers' mess, some sewing fabric (described as "sail-making"). Others strip and repair the wings of damaged aircraft. One group holds on to a Bristol Scout D while the engine is run up, then remove the chocks to let it taxi. It comes back to land and the rotary engine runs to a stop. They take it up by its balance points and wheel it away. A group of the women bring airship SSZ13 out of its shed. Some work in a repair "shop" on wheels. After work those who drive lorries and motor-cycles have their vehicles inspected. Early in the morning the women go sea-bathing. Others play tennis, hockey, go boating with friends, or practise waltzing with each other. They take part in sports on the seafront at Hastings. A final shot of "the boys they're helping to win this war", two RAF fliers starting up an Armstrong Whitworth FK3.
Production Details: Royal Air Force (Production sponsor)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: Royal Air Force, Women's Royal Air Force, (regiment/service)
Royal Air Force (regiment/service)
Keywords: recruitment, British air: Women's Royal Air Force (object name)
operations, British air - routine (object name)
aircraft, British - combat: Bristol Scout D (object name)
operations, British air - return (object name)
aircraft, British naval - airship: SSZ13 (object name)
operations, British air - maintenance (object name)
recreation, British air - casual: swimming (object name)
recreation, British air - sport: tennis (object name)
recreation, British air - sport: hockey (object name)
recreation, British air - sport: athletics (object name)
aircraft, British - combat: Armstrong Whitworth FK3 (object name)
31/3(41) (event)
Hastings area, Sussex, England, UK (geography)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Silent
Soundtrack language: None
Title language: English
Subtitle language: English
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Footage: 654 ft; Running time: 11 mins