EDINBURGH, HOLIDAYS AT HOME, 1942 - 1944 [Allocated Title]
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- Title: EDINBURGH, HOLIDAYS AT HOME, 1942 - 1944 [Allocated Title]
- Film Number: MGH 3430
- Other titles:
- Summary: Colour footage of entertainment and leisure activities in Edinburgh, Scotland, 1942-1944, produced for the Edinburgh Corporation "Holidays at Home" Committee.
- Description: West Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh. Pipe and drum band of the Edinburgh City Police marching towards the camera and seen entertaining a small crowd. Opening ceremony to an event at West Princes Street Gardens: various dignitaries on the podium including the Right Honourable Sir William Darling, Lord Provost, who makes a speech. Views of members of the public listening to the band and of numerous couples dancing (many women dancing with women). Shot of Edinburgh Castle from West Princes Street Gardens. Long shot of a large number of couples dancing. Shot of the army band and conductor. Further shots of a large number of couples dancing. Shot of army band, conductor and navy singer. More shots of dancers, many in uniform. Shot of an unidentified male civilian. Shot of a piano keyboard, sheet music and pianist's hands (probably the unidentified man seen previously). Shot of dancers performing Scottish country dances. Shots of a juvenile accordion group. Several individuals being interviewed by the BBC. Shot of a BBC radio van (?). Large audience being led in a group sing-song. Large numbers of children, playing, dancing and being entertained. Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh 5 August 1944, views of an United States Army Band and their conductor (with one arm in a sling) entertaining a large seated audience of service personnel and civilians. Edinburgh Corporation City Chambers, black and white interior shots of a large committee in session, presumably the Holidays at Home Committee, (caption notes 1943 Baillie James Miller, 1944 Councillor Robert Hamilton). Edinburgh: conducted tours of the city organised by the Edinburgh Corporation Holidays at Home Committee. Large groups of people listening to their tour guide in various parts of the city around Parliament Square. The Meadows, Edinburgh, a mass picnic with children's races, pony rides and what appears to be a older ladies' walking race. Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, black and white interior shots of the 117th Annual Exhibition with brief shots of an unidentified man giving a talk about the paintings. The Mound, Edinburgh, group of cyclists listen to an unidentified man and then cycle past the camera and are seen arriving at Dalmeny Kirk. Shots of the Kirk and the group listening to a talk about the church. East Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh. Displays of Highland dancing, Scottish country dancing and other styles of folk dancing followed by brief shots of women's gymnastics display (eurhythmics). East Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh. Shots of the pipe and drum band of the Irish Guards, the band of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) and the pipe band of the King's Own Scottish Borderers (KOSB). East Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh. Large crowd watching fencing, boxing and gymnastic displays. Goldenacre, Edinburgh. Large crowd watching sheepdog trial and sheepdogs rounding up ducks. Presentation of the prizes. Royal Botanical Gardens, Edinburgh. Shots of various guided tours around the gardens. Newhaven, Edinburgh. Large crowd watching a National Fire Service (NFS) fire float display. Brief shot of swimming races, and a small group of female competitors posing for the cameraman. Shot of a small group of women and girls in traditional dress (possibly the Newhaven Fishwives Chorus). RAF rescue display, shot of a lone swimmer clambering into a small inflatable raft. Granton, Edinburgh. Shots of a small band, a few women and a large number of children at an open-air dance. Inverleith Park, Edinburgh. Members of the National Fire Service (NFS) demonstrate various methods of rescue and use of fire appliances. Inverleith Pond, Edinburgh. Small crowds watching various types of model ships afloat on Inverleith pond as part of Edinburgh Model Yacht Week. Corstorphine, Edinburgh. Shot of visitors to the zoo and of various animals, including a polar bear and lions. Shots of children's entertainments including a female singer, boy choir, a girl choir and a military band leading a children's sing-song. Milk is unloaded from a van. Close-up shots of children drinking milk from bottles. Women and children eating their picnics. Shots of two unidentified male civilian dignitaries talking in to a microphone on a stage. Murrayfield, Edinburgh. Shots of the band of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) and a march past of the various softball teams (men and women) and a goat mascot. Brief shots of several softball games and members of the softball teams. Further shots of the band of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) in long shot and close-up. Shots of the audience in the stands. Shots of several older civilian men attempting to hit the ball. Tynecastle, Edinburgh. Shots of audience in the stands. Shots of a women's netball match. Brief shot of a football match. Shots of a Military Police dog display team. Stenhouse, Edinburgh. Shot of the Holyrood Trophy cup. Brief shots of the Holyrood Trophy final football match. Brief panning shot of the crowd. Panning shot of the members of the two teams and several civilian dignitaries awaiting the presentation of the trophy. Brief shot of the presentation of the trophy. Colinton, Edinburgh. Spylaw Park, view of a large number of people in the park. Children riding ponies and children jumping over a skipping rope. Group of children singing. Brief shot of pianist and band in the park. Braid Hills, Edinburgh. Brief shot over the city of Edinburgh. Shots of men playing golf on the golf course. South Morningside School, Edinburgh. Small children being entertained by an accordion player and a Punch and Judy man (includes brief shots of the Punch and Judy Show). Morningside and Duddingston, Edinburgh. Historical guided tour organised by the Edinburgh Corporation's Holiday at Home. Shots of the tour group at the Hermitage of Braid. Shot through archway of a small ivy clad church. View of a large group of civilians and members of the ATS walking along a country road. Shot of the same group outside the Sheep's Heid Inn and listening to their tour guide. Niddrie Marischal School, Edinburgh. Two small girls singing into a microphone. Children playing in the school playground. Portobello, Edinburgh. Numerous couples dancing in the open air, including several women dancing together. Shot of the band including two male accordion players. More shots of the dancers. Portobello, Edinburgh. Brief shots of a male swimming gala. Leith Links, Edinburgh. Brief shots of a concert party performing for a large audience of children. Leith Links, Edinburgh. A large number of civilians dancing, including numerous women dancing with women. (The caption notes "old time dancing"). View of the band including a male saxophone player. Meadowbank, Edinburgh. Small contingents of the Navy, Army and RAF march past preceded by a Navy pipe and drum band. Naval demonstration of the transfer of a man in a form of bosun's buoy (?). A march past led by a kilted pipe and drum band. Large number of pigeons being released from their cages and flying away. Long shots of the pigeons in the sky. View of a a posed group of unidentified dignitaries. Views of the large crowd. Brief view of a running race, cycle race, football match, two small boys boxing blindfolded, women's gymnastics display (eurhythmics), three civilian film cameramen, and an Army fitness training display utilising logs. Army unarmed combat training demonstration. Presentation of cups to kilted bagpipers. Brief views of a women's sack race, women's high jump, women's long jump, women's running race and women's skipping race. Shots of spectators including convalescent servicemen. Shots of a WRNS choir (?). Long shot of a women's gymnastic display. Shots of a group of women (all wearing brightly coloured clothes, head scarves and various styles of hats) dancing (not Scottish dancing). Womens obstacle race, the obstacles include climbing over a gate, under a pole and through a barrel. Long shot over the city of Edinburgh and up to Edinburgh Castle.
- Alternative Title:
- Colour: Colour (part B&W)
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: MGH 3430
- Sound: Silent
- Access Conditions: NON-IWM
- Featured Period:
- Production Date: 1942
- Production Country: GB
- Production Details: Edinburgh Corporation Holidays and Home Committee (Production sponsor) Black, Robert J (Production individual)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: Colour (part B&W) Sound format: Silent Soundtrack language: None Title language: English Subtitle language: None
- Technical Details: Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Footage: 1039 ft; Running time: 43 mins
- HD Media:
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