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- Title: ROLL-OUT OF CONCORDE 001 [Main Title]
- Film Number: MGH 6494
- Other titles:
- Summary: Record of roll-out ceremony for Concorde 001 at Toulouse on the 11/12/1967.
- Description: Transcription of shot list, [text in square brackets indicates: shot number, angle, feet, frames, time in minutes and seconds]: British Aircraft Corporation Film Unit "Roll-Out Ceremony of Concorde 001, Toulouse, 11th December, 1967." TV Clip. Shot List. [1, M.S., 6, 22, 0.10 1/2] Flags of England and France on V.I.P. stand. Pan down. [2, C.U., 8, 21, 0.14] Mr Julian Emery. [3, M.S., 9, 34, 0.16] Cutaway to TV camera. [4, M.L.S., 12, 13, 0.20] Mr. Trubshaw and Mr. Turcat, English and French test pilots for Concorde. [5, M.S., 13, 36, 0.22 1/2] Cutaway to Press Officials. [6, C.U. to M.S., 17, 14, 0.29] Pan down Officials and visitors of BAC and Sud-Aviation. [7, L.S., 18, 33, 0.31] Concorde 001 in hanger. [8, L.S., 20, 28, 0.33 1/2] Mr. Papon, President of Sud-Aviation making his speech. [9, M.S., 22, 06, 0.37] Mr. Papon, President of Sud-Aviation making his speech. [10, L.S., 23, 22, 0.38 1/2] Mr. Papon, President of Sud-Aviation making his speech. [11, L.S., 25, 24, 0.42] Cutaway to Concorde 001 in hanger. [12, M.S., 27, 10, 0.45] Mr. Trubshaw and Mr. Turcat. [13, M.L.S., 33, 02, 0.55] Sir George Edwards, Chairman of British Aircraft Corporation walking to Rostrum. [14, C.U., 37, 14, 1.01 1/2] Sir George Edwards making his speech. [15, L.S., 39, 38, 1.06] Concorde 001 in hanger. [16, M.S., 40, 32, 1.07] Mr. Chamant, French Minister of Transport. [17, L.S., 42, 08, 1.10] Cutaway to stands. [18, M.L.S., 50, 34, 1.24] Pan from Mr. Chamant leaving Rostrum and going back to the stand. Pan to the Right Honourable Anothony (sic) Wedgewood-Benn, Minister of Technology. [19, C.U., 59, 10, 1.39] Track round Right Hon. A. Wedgewood-Benn making his speech. [20, L.S., 61, 12, 1.42] Cutaway to bands of R.A.F. and French Army. [21, M.L.S., 68, 20, 1.54] English and French ministers and directors of BAC and Sud-Aviation walking to hanger past camera. [22, M.S., 75, 26, 2.05 1/2] The Right Hon. A. Wedgewood-Benn and Mr. Chamant cutting ceremonial ribbon. [23, C.U., 77, 24, 2.09] Cutaway. Sir George Edwards looking on. [24, C.U., 80, 26, 2.14] The Right Hon. Wedgewood-Benn and Mr. Chamant shaking hands. Pan up. [25, M.L.S., 85, 10, 2.22] Concorde 001. Pan round to ministers and officials of BAC and Sud Aviation. [26, M.L.S., 91, 08, 2.32] Ministers and Officials of BAC and Sud Aviation walking past camera. Concorde in background. [27, M.S., 96, 22, 2.40] Towing tractor moves into the hanger. [28, M.S., 100, 36, 2.47] The Right Hon. Wedgewood-Benn and Mr. Chamant meet all the Customer Airline Officials. [29, C.U., 102, 14, 2.51] Cutaway tractor being connected up to Concorde 001. [30, M.S., 108, 06, 2.61] Track past all hostesses and airline captains. [31, L.S., 115, 32, 3.12] Concorde 001 rolls-out. [32, M.S., 123, 18, 3.26] Pan nose to tail of Concorde 001 rolling-out. [33, M.L.S., 128, 04, 3.34] Low angle Concorde in front of camera. [34, L.S., 132, 30, 3.42] High angle Concorde rolling-out. [35,M.S., 137, 34, 3.50] Pan down from nose to undercarriage of Concorde 001. [36, L.S., 141, 32, 3.57] High angle Concorde 001
- Alternative Title:
- Colour: Colour
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: MGH 6494
- Sound: Silent
- Access Conditions: IWM Attribution: © Crown copyright. IWM (MGH 6494)
- Featured Period:
- Production Date: 1967-12-11
- Production Country: GB France
- Production Details: Sud Aviation (Production sponsor) British Aircraft Corporation (Production sponsor) British Aircraft Corporation (Production company) Sud Aviation (Production company)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: Colour Sound format: Silent Soundtrack language: None
- Technical Details: Format: 16mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Footage: 200 ft (ca); Running time: 6 mins
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