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- Film Number: MGH 2843
- Other titles:
- Summary: Amateur film shot by John Magee, of the American Episcopal Mission in China, showing the Japanese attack on Nanking (Nanjing) and examining subsequent Chinese civilian casualties.
- Description: REEL 1: LS glimpses of Japanese bombers. LS of smoke pall from fires in Hsiakwan, the Communications Ministry, and buildings deliberately fired by Chinese troops. LS of refugees fleeing the city. High angle LS of Japanese troops advancing along a city street. MLS taken from an interior, showing crowds of Chinese civilians under guard (prior to removal for mass executions), and supplicant women. MLS of seated Chinese attending an open-air service in a refugee camp. The latter part of the film is mainly a review of "Civilian victims of military brutality". Representative casualties include: (1) Pregnant woman bayoneted whilst resisting rape. MS puffy, battered face. Medic exhibits abdominal puncture wounds. (2) Child bayoneted in abdomen. High angle MS of nude corpse. (3) MCU of wound from traumatic amputation of ear. (4) Man extensively burned after soaking in gasoline. (5) Woman suffering from severance of neck muscles by an attempted decapitation. (7) High angle MS of massacred family. Title declares that one of the women was killed "in a particularly horrible fashion". REEL 2: (Same sequence as John Magee's typescript description for his Film 5) High-angle view towards improvised market in Refugee Zone of Nanking, 15 February 1938; Japanese Army blimp (balloon) is visible overhead, for observation/artillery ranging purposes against Chinese guerrilla activity still continuing two months after Japanese occupation of city. View of bare back of Chinese woman, wounded and raped by Japanese, and now recovering at Mission Hospital. View of Wu Chang Teh, of the Nanking Police Force, after escape from Japanese massacre of Chinese, 5 February 1938. Chinese carry wounded on stretchers along country road towards Emergency Hospital outside Nanking, 17 February 1938. Interior views in Dispensary of wounded Chinese civilians waiting for attention. Chinese female nurse or doctor tends wounded, with badly mutilated limbs, including one Chinese soldier who escaped burning by Japanese. Bayonet scars on woman's head, man's groin and baby boy's bottom. (John Magee's Film 6 Scenes 1-5): Corpses of Chinese soldiers, with hands tied, executed by Japanese and deposited in country pond. Dead Szechuanese soldiers lying on country road near Nanking. (John Magee's Film 7): Fifteen-year old Chinese girl standing beside Mission Car marked with Red Cross sticker: first raped, then taken to barracks used as brothel by Japanese Army before being released by Chinese-speaking Japanese officer who sends her to Ginling College. Small tanks and charettes of Japanese Army. A woman, shot by the Japanese, being brought to the Mission Hospital by car. Japanese poster on a Chinese house states, ' Return to your houses! We will give you rice to eat! Believe in the Japanese army! You will be saved and helped!' View of a Chinese house where the family, including children, were raped and murdered. (John Magee's Film 8): The family of Cook Liu, showing injuries inflicted by the Japanese: 65 year-old Mrs Yu with burns, Tsu aged 14, with bullet wound in his leg, Wang P'ei hsiang showing injuries received from a sword, Mrs Hsai aged 24, with her children escaped after being raped, Mrs Ts'ai's injuries to her back and legs after being bayoneted. (John Magee's Film 9) A farmer named Ho with burns, after being set fire to by the Japanese. Scenes at Ginling College Refugee Camp (the first refugees arrived December 8) for women and children. Leaving the College Chapel. Washing clothes. Signing a petition to present to the Japanese for the return of husbands and sons. A Chinese scholar writes on behalf of those who are illiterate. The gymasium turned into a dormitory. Women queuing for vaccinations.
- Alternative Title:
- Colour: B&W
- Digitised: Yes
- Object_Number: MGH 2843
- Sound: Silent
- Access Conditions: IWM Film: IWM (MGH 2843)
- Featured Period:
- Production Date: 1937-1937
- Production Country:GB
- Production Details:Magee, John (Production individual)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics:Colour format: B&W Sound format: Silent Subtitle language: English
- Technical Details:16mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 2 Footage: 737 ft; Running time: 31 mins
- HD Media:Yes
- Link to IWM Collections page:
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