Other titles:COLONEL HODGKINSON - SOUTH EAST ASIA COMMAND [Allocated Series Title]
Summary: Amateur film of the Supreme Allied Commander, South East Asia, Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten taking the salute of the representative services at the Naval Review, Rangoon (17 June 1945). The ceremonial review included units of the British East Indies Fleet, Naval and Merchant Navy, British and Allied ships including the 'Little Ships' of the Royal Navy, the Royal Indian Navy and the Burma Royal Navy volunteer reserve (noted for their work within the narrow channels of the Arakan Chaungs). Admiral Mountbatten's barge was escorted throughout by Landing Craft which had taken part in the Rangoon Landing.
Description: Lord Mountbatten on the Admiral's barge in Rangoon harbour. The barge passes HMS Nith? (K215?), making its way passed the dockside and cranes towards the fleet. Shots of unidentified cruisers. HMS Cumberland? More shots of Lord Mountbatten on the Admiral's barge (flying the flag of St George and the Union Jack with badge at centre).
Alternative Title:COLONEL HODGKINSON - SOUTH EAST ASIA COMMAND [Allocated Series Title]