Other titles:COLONEL HODGKINSON - SOUTH EAST ASIA COMMAND [Allocated Series Title]
Description: "Agfa" Two men on a raft splitting bamboo. Locals leaving riverside huts, carrying boxes. Two British women among them and local women carrying babies. A British man at the end of the line with a pipe and pointing at camera (Hodgkinson?) Scenes of the river and surrounding trees. A boat on the river. Shot of the local men rowing (filmed from the same raft), 'hand-made oars'. Scenes of rocks and the fast flowing water as the boat makes its way down the river. More shots of the men steering and rowing the boat. Shots of other rafts on the river. A British man in the water pretending to run. A British man and woman disembark. Two British men and women leave a riverside hut in their swimming costumes and sit on the riverbank then go swimming. Shot of a raft on the river. A British man takes a photograph. The four Brits pose on a raft. More scenes on the river, through some very fast flowing waters. Close-ups of the two (local) oarsmen trying to keep course. Shot of the back of a man 'punting' through calmer waters. "The end. Khatima"
Alternative Title:COLONEL HODGKINSON - SOUTH EAST ASIA COMMAND [Allocated Series Title]