Other titles:COLONEL HODGKINSON - AMATEUR FILM [Allocated Series Title]
Summary: Documentary shot in Bangkok covers some of the distinctive elements of Thai (or Siamese) culture at the end of the Second World War (presumably after the arrival of the Indian 7th Division in September 1945).
Description: Exterior view of the Grand Palace in Bangkok, Thailand, with the cameraman's jeep parked outside. Armed sentry outside. Colonel Frank Hodgkinson's young fellow service cameraman, Lieutenant Frank Worth of the Royal Indian Navy Film Unit, walks with Leica camera round neck as he enters one of the temples in the Palace complex. Various shots of the temple and Thai civilians and British servicemen walking around. A man tells Worth to remove his shoes before entering the temple. Close-up of his feet on steps. Close-up of Thai man and woman praying at shrine to Buddha.
View down Ratchadamnoen Klang Road towards the Democracy Monument, the wide avenue flanked by buildings designed in the 1930s. Empty roads except for rickshaws and pedestrians. Worth walks down street with two Thai women (in 'western' clothes). Various scenes at floating market - people buying and selling fruit and vegetables. Further shots of Worth and the two women walking.
Guards in white uniforms, red flag with elephant (royal pennant?) flying above. King Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX) arrives in car. Close-ups of guards and elephant flag. The guards march off. Distinguished Thais are seated around the young King as they all watch a tennis match; close-up of the king sitting on plush red chair at courtside. "Boxing" sign - long-shots of boxing ring . Close-up of ringside band. Various shots of Thai boxing match. At the Royal Bangkok Sports Club horse-track - close-up of very young jockey wearing silks of No 13 putting boots on, a man places a red sash over him. Various scenes of him mounting a horse and scenes around the enclosure before the race. Close-up of Thai man and woman checking form. The starting line, close-up of starter - cuts between race and spectators. Number 13 wins.
Alternative Title:COLONEL HODGKINSON - AMATEUR FILM [Allocated Series Title]