Other titles:COLONEL HODGKINSON - AMATEUR FILM [Allocated Series Title]
Description: A British officer stands in front of a wall map, points to mid-Atlantic then India. Focus in on India. Indian military bands and troops march in the grounds of Government House, Delhi. Close-up of a mounted British officer. Close-up of one of the Governor General's Bodyguards (mounted Sikh in red tunic). Shots of more of the Governor General's Bodyguardss. Long shot of various Indian dancers, some in tribal clothes. further scenes of the tattoo, including motorbike stunt riders, men manoeuvering and firing field guns, and the Camel Corps.
Tents in the rainforest. Primitive huts in the rainforest. Close-ups of tribespeople (the Puroiks (Sulungs) ? in Assam). Scenes of hill-tribe's life - tending plants, felling trees. Shots of bush fires, and cleared land. Tribesman planting seeds in singed earth. Close-ups of tribespeople.
Alternative Title:COLONEL HODGKINSON - AMATEUR FILM [Allocated Series Title]