SCENES IN BURMA [Allocated Title]
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- Title: SCENES IN BURMA [Allocated Title]
- Film Number: MGH 6686
- Other titles: AMATEUR FILM BY VAL POWELL [Alternative Title]
- Summary: Amateur film shot by Val Powell while working as a civilian engineer for Burma Railways, records traditional Burmese activities and Powell family scenes in Burma before and after the Japanese invasion, including a wartime stay in Simla (India) and the ceremony marking the independence of Burma.
- Description: Reel 1: (Can - Yadanaku Pwe 1941) "Regatta at Yedanaku 1941" Sign to Ava Bridge 9 miles. Ox carts transport parts of Karaweik Paung mythical bird for subsequent assembly on a backwater of the River Irrawaddy near Amarapura when the river was in full flood.. "The thugyi" (chief local authority) - costumed Burmese noblemen followed by Burmese ladies bearing fans and parasols walk towards festival regatta. "The attendant pwe" - Burmese male musicians seated in long canoes beat percussion instruments as Burmese girl dances. Tracking shot following the dugout canoes on river - vast number. Boat races viewed and applauded by many spectators. "After the ladies' race, cooling off" - Burmese women in longyis bathe themselves in river. More race scenes. Burmese dancing under canopied boat. More paddle races. Silver bowl extended (prize?). Burmese men return along road, some apparently inebriated. (9 minutes 15 seconds) Reel 2: (Can - Railway and Railway School Sports) Railway engines pass, one pulling mixed cargo and passengers. Tracking shot over and within the Ava Bridge, which spans the River Irrawaddy. Passenger trains pass, arriving in town. Tram type loco. Train crosses the Ava Bridge. Engine clearly marked B R reverses into siding. No. B 489 comes to halt; white driver in white suit steps down with crew. White man in solar topee (Val Powell?) checks heat of various parts with hand. High angle shot of goods train passing. White man in solar topee off carriage 820 - Powell's inspection coach. Extended and detailed coverage of the Anglo-Vernacular Railway School sports day, showing Burmese and Indian pupils of both sexes participating in typically British school sports (long jump, hurdle race, tug of war) and games (egg and spoon race, musical chairs, etc). (13 mins 58 secs) Reel 3: (Can - Kalaw and Maymyo) Market scenes in a busy and thriving town in Burma. Camera focuses on the various ethnic groups selling their different wares from stalls and in the open, including girls with gold neck rings and discs. Noodle stall owner doles out portions in bowls. Elsewhere men and boys throw water at each other, presumably during the annual water festival (Rangoon?). Horse-drawn canb passes. Various general scenes of Burmese life: dancing in street, washing and drying clothes on the banks of the Irrawaddy River. Indian men and women dressed in dhotis and saris during a Hindu festival. Rafts and native vessels on the river, a busy thoroughfare. Large chinthe statues by the river's edge. (8 minutes 4 seconds) Reel 4: (No can marking, though described as "The Story of Paddy") Detailed record of rice production in Burma, from planting through to consumption, covers water buffaloes ploughing and harrowing the paddy fields, transplanting the small plants, harvesting by hand, treading out the grain, winnowing on tripod, followed by dry ploughing and dry harrowing. Various scenes of Mandalay and Fort Dufferin include the Eastern Audience Hall. Reel 5: (Swiming and canal picnic) Reel 6: ("Our dumb friends") Reel 7: (Mussoorie. Simla - colour. B.C.S. Display B&W) Reel 8: (K.S.R. and Burma Railways) Locomotives marked NWR (North Western Railway - India) Reel 9: (Jan 4 1948. Farewell Burma) Ceremonial lowering of the Burmese Blue Ensign colonial flag, and raising of the now independent Burmese national flag, marks the end of British rule on 4 January 1948 and the birth of modern Burma as an independent sovereign state. British colonial official in morning suit and top hat, walking beside a Burmese dignitary (presumably the new President Sao Shwe Taike), inspects a British guard of honour mounted by Royal Navy sailors and British Army soldiers, who march off with arms sloped. Scenes filmed from the deck of the ship SS Prome, and marking the final departure of Val Powell and his family to settle in England, show grand buildings on the waterfront of Rangoon, and a distant view of the spire of the Shwe Dagon Pagoda. RN ships and many cargo vessels lie at anchor in the Rangoon River. Deck scenes during voyage home, landward views of Aden (oil storage tanks visible), entering the southern end of the Suez Canal, deck games for children with clown, Simon Arzt building on the waterfront of Port Said, Egyptian traders in boats and de Lesseps monument at the northern end of the Canal. (11 minutes 41 seconds) Reel 10: (Swimming and Personal) Reel 11: (Lyn)
- Alternative Title: AMATEUR FILM BY VAL POWELL [Alternative Title]
- Colour: B&W (part Colour [Kodachrome])
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: MGH 6686
- Sound: Silent
- Access Conditions:
- Featured Period:
- Production Date: 1940
- Production Country: GB
- Production Details:
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W (part Colour [Kodachrome]) Sound format: Silent
- Technical Details: Format: Std 8mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 11 Footage: 1515ft ca; Running time: 127 mins
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2012-10-18 ()