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- Film Number: MGH 6692
- Other titles:
- Summary: Russian, Middle Eastern and French television clips, covering a wide range of military topics.
- Description: 00:05. Russian television channel. Conference with footage of a space rocket launching, various satellites in space, cosmonauts in their space vehicles and shots of the earth from space. 01:30. Russian television channel. Large Russian cargo dock. Vladimir Putin (later President of Russia) mentioned. 02:35. East European television channel. Visiting senior Chinese military officers viewing a Frigate sized Russian ship. 03:40. Russian television channel. Footage of an unidentified Russian ship. 04:05. Russian television channel. Clips of a manned satellite in space, a rocket in a hangar, then the rocket lifting off, then footage of cosmonauts in space. 06:30. Glowny in Warsaw, Poland. Polish police in balaclavas (anti terrorist or similar) conduct exercise against stooge terrorists. Practice on a firing range, footage of their specialist riot equipment, scoped rifles, weapons etc. Interview with Zenon Smolerek, the Inspector/Commander of the police station / force. 08:15. French television channel 2. Article of the French fighter aircraft, the "Rafale", specifically the marine version. Interview with Yves Kerherve, the head test pilot of the Dassault Aviation who developed the aircraft. This is likely to be the 1991-1992 tests, landing on the French aircraft carrier Clémenceau. 09:30. East European television channel report on auctioning military equipment off. 10:05. Russian television channel. Footage of a large industrial iron works site, possibly the Kalashnikov works in the Ukraine. 11:35. IRIB television channel, Tehran, Iran. Short clips of all arms on exercise - air force, navy, infantry, armour. Narrator speaking in Farsi. Possibly a general piece on military engineering and their country's achievements in overall system performance. 17:45. IRIB television channel, Tehran, Iran. Government minister opening what appears to be a water treatment plant with a sluice or lock opening out onto a lake. A basic map is shown in his presentation to the workers but the location of the works is unclear. 21:15. Russian television channel. Long and diverse article, possibly about the Kalashnikov factories in Izhevsk, in the Udmurt region of Russia. Footage shows a wide range of products, city clips, interviews and technology, including military but also many non military products. 36:10. BBC news report referring to that years three minute IRA video released called their "Easter Message" from the early 1990's. 36:50. Russian television channel. High level meeting, possibly on the subject of attempts to settle one of the former Soviet regions currently experiencing unrest. 38:10. Russian television channel. Military exercise showing tank landing craft and anti submarine air to surface rockets. 38:35. Russian television channel reporting on high level talks (possibly at Presidential level) before visiting a Russian military ship. 40:15. Russian television channel report showing Baltic Sea port and military ships in dock. 41:10. Russian television channel showing Russian ships in large naval base. Based on their pennants (numerical designation), they are - 617; Guided Missile Corvette the Mirazh; 622; unknown; 621; Possibly a Lenaneft class River Ship 'Decker Tanker'; 873; Oceanic research ship, the Sibirykov; 152; Large Landing Ship the Nickolay Filchenkov; 506; unknown. One ship is flying the Ensign of the Hydrographic Service (not used after 1992). The President of the Ukraine is mentioned (presumably Leonid Kravchuk, although not by name) and the Ukrainian flag shown. Several high level Russian ministers visiting the yard and being interviewed. 46:20. Continued from section starting at 41:10. Footage of Russian parliamentary chamber, followed by Russian military clips. 48:35. French television channel 2. Title; "Mistral helicopter" (Mi-26TM helicopter). Footage of the Rafale fighter aircraft with Serge Dassault (the owner of Dassault Aviation who manufacture the fighter) returning from a test flight with one of his test pilots. Followed by an interview with a company official regarding Ethanol powered aircraft. 50:25. French television channel 2, titled "Le Bourget aircraft". Clips of an F-7 American fighter aircraft, a "Cobra", a "Black Shark" helicopter (KA-50) and a "Mirage". Covers a newly designed commercial aircraft (possible during its unveiling) and Francois Mitterrand at an air show. 52:50. Titled "Le Bourget". A satellite manufacturing plant in Cannes, France. 54:25. Saudi Arabian television channel. Article showing many earth moving vehicles working in the desert and a large crowd of officials watching. Appears to be regarding the 'building' of a physical line to mark the Saudi Arabian border with Kuwait. 59:25. Russian television channel reporting on Russian transport police and their work. Footgae shows damaged train carriages and police removing a drunk and unconscious man from a train carriage. 60:30. Russian television channel report on the Russian navy in port, including the ship with the pennant number 022. 62:00. END
- Alternative Title:
- Colour: Colour
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: MGH 6692
- Sound: Sound
- Access Conditions: NON-IWM
- Featured Period:
- Production Date: 1992
- Production Country: USSR Russia France
- Production Details:
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: Colour Sound format: Sound Soundtrack language: Russian Title language: Farsi Subtitle language: Arabic
- Technical Details: Format: U-matic Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Running time: 62 mins
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