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- Film Number: MGH 6248
- Other titles: COLONEL HODGKINSON - AMATEUR FILM [Allocated Series Title]
- Summary: Edited record of farewell visit by Governor-General of India, Lord Louis Mountbatten, with Lady Edwina Mountbatten, to Cochin State in February/March 1948.
- Description: (B&W) Indian dignitaries await the arrival of Lord Mountbatten. Brief shot of Mountbatten stepping off the launch. He and Lady Mountbatten are greeted and introduced to the dignitaries. A shot of the people lined up waiting to meet the Mountbattens. Brief scene of the Mountbattens' open-topped car coming to a halt alongside a small crowd. Lord Mountbatten gets out of the car and is greeted. Both the Mountbattens have a garland of flowers put around their necks. Scenes inside a pavilion of Indian dignitaries, Royal Navy and Army officers. The Mountbattens are greeted and introduced to the guests. (Out of focus from this point) More scenes of the Mountbattens meeting people and Lady Mountbatten cutting a ribbon. The Mountbattens take their seats and are presented with more floral garlands. Lord Mountbatten unveils a portrait of an Indian nobleman?, Lady Mountbatten looks on. Lord Mountbatten gives a speech, followed by Lady Mountbatten. (Colour) Views of a boat on a small lake. Lady Mountbatten leaving a hall/school? accompanied by two Indian ladies in white and blue saris. She is led out to the lakeside where the two ladies introduce her to similarly dressed Indian women (Girl Guide leaders?). They walk past the camera followed by a group of people including two Army officers. Lady Mountbatten greets more people and makes her way along a row of women (teachers?), shaking each of their hands. She is then seated next to her Indian host, both of them wearing long floral garlands, while one of the Indian women addresses them. The woman takes her to a small group of women and girls all dressed in white and blue saris, some in Girl Guide uniforms, one is holding a Girl Guide flag. She walks around the group. Lady Mountbatten stands in the middle of a circle of small girls dressed in white tops and blue skirts. They crouch on the ground then slowly rise and jump in the air, and make the Girl Guide salute. (B&W) A shot of two doctors? awaiting the arrival of Lady Mountbatten. Lady Mountbatten's host gets out of a car, followed by her. She is greeted and given a flower garland. A brief shot of Lady Mountbatten inside the hospital. (Colour) View of a boat at the edge of the small lake. Lord Mountbatten steps off a launch onto a walkway decorated with flowers and a red carpet. He is followed by a group of others including Lady Mountbatten. They get into a car. A shot of Lord Mountbatten outside his car with an Army officer, troops presenting arms. Mountbatten and a group of officers are led away by their host. A brief shot of Indian dignitaries entering a building. (B&W) (These scenes are out of focus) Lord Mountbatten talking with an Indian dignitary inside. Shots of others present, then more scenes of Mountbatten talking to one man. (Colour) Close-up of the name on a submarine, TANTIVY. Views over the water. A launch heads towards the camera. As the launch gets closer and passes officers can be seen on board including Lord Mountbatten. Mountbatten steps off the launch, salutes and is greeted by Naval officers. They have a brief chat and they walk along the quayside where Mountbatten meets more officers and inspects the sailors. Mountbatten climbs up on a mooring bollard? (HMS Tantivy in the background) and addresses the sailors. A shot of an elaborate doorway with three Indian flags flying, a close-up reveals the word 'wel-come' [sic] and a crest with two elephants. A close-up of the 'roof' of the walkway behind the door, made up of flowers and bunting fluttering in the wind. A banana tree with flags stuck on it. More scenes of festive decorations and bunting blowing in the wind. Lord and Lady Mountbatten are led through the walkway followed by a small group including their daughters (Patricia and Pamela), Indian dignitaries and officers. More scenes of the decorations and flags (the flags include a tricolour of black, yellow and red). An Indian man gives a speech, followed by Lord Mountbatten. (B&W) Scenes of Indians dining outside (a club?). Lord and Lady Mountbatten arrive along with a small group including their daughters. People are introduced to the Lord and Lady. A shot of Patricia Mountbatten at a table, talking with a man. More people file past the Mountbattens and they shake their hands. Lord Mountbatten at a table, talking and drinking tea. Lady Mountbatten at the table. A brief shot of Lord Mountbatten eating and talking. (Colour) A Naval Guard of Honour alongside the Mountbattens' plane on the tarmac. A close-up of the badge of the Governor-General of India on the plane's nose. A Naval Guard of Honour outside the airport, a car comes along the road and slows in front of them. Lord Mountbatten stands in front of the car and salutes. Mountbatten inspects the sailors. Lady Mountbatten chats with her Indian hosts. Lord Mountbatten says goodbye to his hosts, they adorn him and Lady Mountbatten with golden decorations around their necks. The Mountbattens talk with their hosts and get into the plane. The doors are closed. A shot of the Indian flag flying.
- Alternative Title: COLONEL HODGKINSON - AMATEUR FILM [Allocated Series Title]
- Colour: Colour
- Digitised: Yes
- Object_Number: MGH 6248
- Sound: Silent
- Access Conditions: IWM Attribution: © IWM
- Featured Period:
- Production Date: 1948
- Production Country: GB
- Production Details: Hodgkinson, Frank Outram (Production individual)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: Colour Sound format: Silent Soundtrack language: None Title language: None Subtitle language: None
- Technical Details: Format: 16mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Footage: 399 ft; Running time: 10 mins
- HD Media:Yes
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