Other titles:COLONEL HODGKINSON - SOUTH EAST ASIA COMMAND [Allocated Series Title]
Description: Men handling bombs. Loading onto Aircraft. Setting fuses. Loading 0.50-inch machine gun ammunition into wing magazines. Working on engine. Cu guns in wings, an armourer checks the chambers. leaning wing over barrels. checking wheel a/c taxiing (Thunderbolt Mk II). 'NV' squadron code suggests RAF 79 Squadron. Bowser, bomb train. Fueling tank cu meter. 2 pilots, cu Yank Pilot, cu USA shoulder flash. Pilot scraping in, looking into wide ammo. Pilot swapping, pilots getting into a/c. Start up, take off up and over, take offs.
Alternative Title:COLONEL HODGKINSON - SOUTH EAST ASIA COMMAND [Allocated Series Title]