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- Title: FRENCH CUTS - KODACOLOR [Main Title]
- Film Number: MGH 3772X
- Other titles: THE FRANCE I KNEW – OFFCUTS [Alternative Title] AMATEUR FILM BY ROSIE NEWMAN [Alternative Title]
- Summary: Amateur colour footage shot by Rosie Newman and not included in her edited film "The France I Knew" (IWM film ref MGH 3772).
- Description: View of the sea, probably the English Channel. Van parked outside a garage. View along a path in a formal garden, side walls covered with foliage. Kodachrome - close-up of a Senegalese soldier with a deformed lip or performing lip contortions (shot in the Southern French Alps near Cannes 1940). Brief view of a French seafront and of a large building, possibly an hotel. Kodachrome caption "Vive la France!" over fleur-de-lis design on a blue background. Kodachrome - nurse posing with a French soldier, possibly outside the Poilus Foyer (Foyer Militaire Cannes 1940). Seafront with children. Kodachrome caption - "A MODERN MOBILE SURGERY. A GIFT FROM AMERICA". Shot of a framed oil painting of bearded man wearing military dress uniform (probably the work of the same unidentified as artist featured in "The France I Knew".) People seated in an open-air cafe. Shots of a poodle (Biarritz, probably 1938). Women selecting hats from two boxes on the ground (possibly in the market of the village of Sarre (?) in the Pyrenees, probably 1938). Unidentified artist playing a guitar, seated in front of a framed oil painting of a woman (the unidentified artist featured in "The France I Knew"). Waves breaking over rocks. Rear view of a contingent of unidentified Arab cavalry, probably 1938. View along a path in a formal garden, side walls covered with foliage (see above). A small contingent of Chasseurs Alpins with packs and walking sticks waiting in the street (probably 1938) View of palm trees, irises and tulips. Kodachrome caption - "THE SNOW-CLAD MOUNTAINS" Panning shot over the Pyrenees (possibly showing the village of Gourdan, probably 1938). A contingent of Chasseurs Alpins in the street (probably 1938) - see above. Men playing boules on the dockside (Cannes, probably 1938). Elderly lady walking past, shielding her face from the camera (Cannes, probably 1938) View of customers and tables in an open air cafe. Soldier and pack mules in front of a parade of small shops, including shops "Remor" and "Van Cleef" Shots of a several young men and women seated on a bench buying cigarettes from a street vendor. Panning shot over French coastline Kodachrome caption - "TWO DAY'S REST SEES THEM FIT AGAIN FOR MORE FIGHTING. BACK TO THE LINE". Shots of trees blowing in the wind and various plants, including large cacti, in a formal garden. Kodachrome caption - "CANNES TAKEN FROM THE CALIFORNIE OBSERVATOIRE". Panning shot over Cannes, probably 1938. Kodachrome - shot of Rosie Newman's equipment boxes. Kodachrome - unidentified man talking with two French soldiers, all standing in front of a caravan and two convertible cars. Shots of a beach, including area with ropes and climbing frames, a group of men in bathing trunks walking along the water's edge, a women wearing a swimming costume asleep on the sand, children playing on the sand, and children playing on swings.
- Alternative Title: THE FRANCE I KNEW – OFFCUTS [Alternative Title] AMATEUR FILM BY ROSIE NEWMAN [Alternative Title]
- Colour: Colour (Kodacolor and Kodachrome)
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: MGH 3772X
- Sound: Silent
- Access Conditions: IWM Attribution: © IWM (MGH 3772X)
- Featured Period:
- Production Date: 1938
- Production Country: GB
- Production Details: Newman, RosieBritish film-maker, "Britain at War" (Production individual) Newman, RosieBritish film-maker, "Britain at War" (Production individual)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: Colour (Kodacolor and Kodachrome) Sound format: Silent Soundtrack language: None Title language: English
- Technical Details: Format: 16mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Footage: 152 ft; Running time: 6 mins
- HD Media:
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