Title:ZAGREB STREET SCENES 1942 OR 1943 [Allocated Title]
Film Number:MGH 2468
Other titles:AMATEUR FILM BY DR IVO VINSKI [Alternative Title]
Summary: Amateur film showing street scenes of Zagreb under German occupation, and evidence of Moslem influence in Croatian capital. Focusing on posters and buildings as well civilians and soldiers in the street; at times extremely close in on German / Ustasha soldiers.
Description: Dr Vinski showing off a 16mm (?) camera.
Shot of Zagreb's main square in the rain. Statue of Ban Jelacic on horseback - hero of 1848 uprising. SPORTEX sign can be seen on top of building in the background.
Very busy street scene with trams. Lots of umbrellas. Someone points out the words ADREJA KONC (?) on a poster headed GRILL ROOM. At the bottom of the poster: P O ZELJI.
The camera picks out a man wearing a fez and glasses.
A shop ..... SAOBRACA ...IJI URED ?? / DEUTSCHE VERKEHRS BÜRO (German Transport Office) with posters in the window. Close up on a poster of Generalfeldmarschal Rommel. Poster of Hitler and a piece of writing headed DAS WINTERHILFSWERK, alongside some smaller postcard size photographs.
Busy street scene, a man and woman walk towards the camera, the man doffs his hat. Newspapers hanging, some open, on string. The headline of one article reads KAVKAZ. Other (German?) magazines carrying photo-stories about the war are called SIGNAL and TEMPO. Another called the M...ski List.
A street sign, ULICA ARNALDA MUSSOLINIJA (son of Mussolini) reflects the Italian presence in the city. The camera tracks a muslim wearing a fez along the street. Italian ? guards stand outside a building with the sign ... MILITARE ITALIANA IN CROAZIA. A truck with soldiers (Bosnian?) passes by. A man wearing a fez and glasses (the same man seen earlier?) looks in a shop window. Close up of the Ustashi emblem on the window.
Alternative Title:AMATEUR FILM BY DR IVO VINSKI [Alternative Title]