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- Title: LAST DAYS OF WAR IN ZAGREB [Allocated Title]
- Film Number: MGH 2470
- Other titles: AMATEUR FILM BY DR IVO VINSKI [Alternative Title]
- Summary: Amateur film during the final days of war in Zagreb. Showing posters of, and in support of, the quisling leader, as well as many troops and civilians together in the streets.
- Description: Ustasha posters showing a crowned figure holding a sword behind the Croatian chequered shield. The text reads HRVATI! HRAVATICE! 1941 .10 . IV . 1945 BORBA . NEZAVISNOST . CJELOKUPNOST (War Freedom/independence Integrity ?) Another poster shows the Ustasha insignia and two soldiers. [Brief gap in filming] A window display of a bust (Pavelic?) and flowers. A poster on a lamppost shows the Craotian quisling leader Ante Pavlic in a white uniform, the text reads POSLAVNIK [ ...?] HRVATSKE DRZAVNOSTI I NEZAVISNOSTI. Street scene showing a very large poster hanging from a building of a man in military uniform on horseback (Pavelic?). A tricolour hangs next to it. A similar poster hangs on another building. Close-up of a young boy pointing at something, cut to the poster of the man on horseback. A poster on the side of a building of six identical images of Pavelic ? in a white military uniform. The text reads EVROPA U BORBI PROTIV BOLJSEVIZMA (Europe in fight against Bolshevism). The camera pans to a poster of Pavelic higher up the building. Civilians and soldiers (German / Ustasha?) sit together in Zagrebs main square. A large clock in the square shows 11.08. The square is very busy with civilians and soldiers. The camera focuses on one soldier (Ustasha?) carrying his kit and gun over his shoulder. Close-up of posters (or pages from a magazine?) showing cartoons of a large fat man standing protectively? over a family. The text reads SMRT FASIZMU! (Death to Fascism) and DOLJE KRALJEVSKO-KOMUNISTICKI BEOGRAD! and SVI HRVATI U JEDNU FRONTU! (All Croats united?). Civilians and soldiers mingle in the square. Close-up of Ustasha / German? soldier, building in the background has a sign RADIO TELEFUNKEN and is flying a large tricolour. A banner on a building shows the Nazi eagle and reads FRONTSBUCHHANDLUNG. The neon sign of the KAVANA SPLENDID (café). Next to this sign is a board which reads BETREUINGS-U. VERPFIEGUNGSSTELLE. B.U.V. STELLE AGROM.WEHRM.BETR.ABT.8 [The café was taken over by the Germans and was kept for the sole use of the military, both Germans and Ustasha]. Civilians and soldiers (some female?) on horse and carts. Some laugh and play up to the camera as they pass. A street scene shows a poster column covered with Ustashi posters. A shot of the Vinskis son walking towards the camera. A truck drives through a gateway, the sign on the railings bears the Nazi eagle. A Croatian officer (a Bojnik?) smiles at the camera then turns to a little boy and woman and gestures them into the building. A sign behind him read OT - EINSATZ F. A man (Dr Vinski?) feigns confusion over a street sign showing lots of direction arrows. One reads Kfz.J.K.196. Others show the Red Cross symbol. Others include San Park [red cross]. V.U.St 551. Klz.Inst.Zug.d.I.W. L.W.Oristazarell. Kranken-Sammelstelle. A guard diverts pedestrians around a pile of rubble / bomb damage. A close-up of a young woman in a pin-stripe suit, in the central square, posing, smiling and playing up to the camera. A poster shows a cartoon of a man at the top of a long ladder reaching for a balloon? with the word PORJEDA on. The ladder is being held or pulled back by two ropes held by Uncle Sam and Churchill. Other text reads TKO VISOKO LETI, TAJ NIZKO PADA. Close-ups of faces in the crowd. The camera follows a young woman, wearing trousers, along the street. Two soldiers (German / Ustasha?) walk along the street. One on crutches with only one leg, wearing a medal. They stop to look in a window, a Red Cross above it. Also text which reads HRVATSKI CRVENI KRIZ (Croatian Red Cross) - GRADSKI ODBO. Women in the street. Ustasha soldiers form a line along the kerb. On the opposite side of the road is a military truck covered in hand-painted camoflage.
- Alternative Title: AMATEUR FILM BY DR IVO VINSKI [Alternative Title]
- Colour: B&W
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: MGH 2470
- Sound: Silent
- Access Conditions: NON-IWM
- Featured Period:
- Production Date: 1945-04 1945-05
- Production Country: Croatia
- Production Details: Vinski, Ivo (Production individual)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer (person)
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W Sound format: Silent
- Technical Details: Format: 16mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Footage: 201 ft
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