PARTISANS ARRIVAL IN ZAGREB, 8th and 9th MAY 1945 [Allocated Title]
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- Title: PARTISANS ARRIVAL IN ZAGREB, 8th and 9th MAY 1945 [Allocated Title]
- Film Number: MGH 2471
- Other titles: AMATEUR FILM BY DR IVO VINSKI [Alternative Title]
- Summary: Street scenes of Zagreb showing the German and Ustasha troops leaving and the arrival of the Partisans.
- Description: A poster headline reads GRADJANI GRADA ZAGREB!, and further below LOHR v.r. Germans and Ustasha ? in horsedrawn carts leave the city. Burnt out vehicles at the roadsides. The streets are fairly quiet. Civilians wearing (German?) helmets and carrying rifles guard a building [taken over by civilians to keep order while awaiting the Partisans]. Civilians (one of which is Dr Vinski?] shake hands with Partisans. Partisans arrive in open-topped cars, and are greeted by people at the roadside. A damaged German street sign. A close-up of men and women waving at the camera, including Dr Vinski. More Parisans arrive in tanks. Some very close-up shots of the Partisans and Partizankas (female partisans). Civilians surround the tanks and greet the Partisans. Crowds, including children, gather in the street. A tricolour with star hangs from a building. A man in uniform (police?) takes down a smahed up noticeboard which contained a poster headed DRZAVA HRVATS... Small crowds line the street. (Sign in background rads GOSTIONICA HOSLAVINA - Hotel/restaurant). Mrs Vinski and friends walk past the camera, she waves. Very close-up shots in the crowd - people hugging Partisans. Banners showing the communist star and tricolour hang across the street in the background. In the main square civilians watch as Partisans carrying their weapons and ammunition arrive on foot and horseback, many are female. A group of civilians march aling the road carrying a flag, one woman holds her fist in the air. Crowds line the street and applaud the Partisans. A close-up of a logo ont he bonnet of a truck. The main body of the truck has a portrait of Tito? flanked by two stars. Crowds gather around the truck talking to the Partisans ( a sign behind reads JULIO MEINE). More close-up shots of the Partisans. A woman points out a poster headed RADNICI I NAMJESTENICI GRADA ZAGREBA I OKOLICE! At the top of the poster is a star and ... DOBARA FEDERALNE HRVATSKI. Several mounted soldiers ride past. More Partisans arrive in trucks and on foot. Close-up shots of Partizankas. Horses and carts line both sides of a street. [Dr Vinski films from atop one of the carts] The laden horsedrawn carts pass along the sides of the street while motor vehicles drive along the centre. People gather around a grave covered in fresh flowers. The cross bears a star and is inscribed in Cyrillic. The grave belongs to a Serbian Partisan. Partisans and civilians lying down and reading in the shade in a park. A man reads a poster headed GRADJANI GRADA ZAGREBA!
- Alternative Title: AMATEUR FILM BY DR IVO VINSKI [Alternative Title]
- Colour: B&W
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: MGH 2471
- Sound: Silent
- Access Conditions: NON-IWM
- Featured Period:
- Production Date: 1945-05
- Production Country: Croatia
- Production Details: Vinski, Ivo (Production individual)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W Sound format: Silent
- Technical Details: Format: 16mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Footage: 262 ft
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